TAG 45

258 21 17

I don't remember who tagged me for this I'm so sorry 😐 I think it was Jeoncakes ? I'm not sure

So I need to name 5 facts about myself /starts thinking hard/

1. According to my mom I walk like a bunny xD idek

2. Even tho I'm fully Chinese, there're still people that think I'm half. maybe because I grew up in Europe

3. I can be really annoying sometimes 😂✌️

4. I absolutely looovvvveeee babies omg

5. I'm a 1000% neat freak

I'm tagging the ones who see this 😉💕💕💕

Really random but is there someone atm that's wrecking you entire bias list? Cuz mine is being wrecked by a guy named Mark Lee

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