352 22 10

I got tagged by beauty-yi thank you~~♡

1. Favorite flower?
Roses and baby's breath.

2. What do you dislike the most of bts' behavior?
Jin's habit of blinking or squinting his eyes. It gives me the tendency to do that too lol

3. Can you describe yourself in eight words?
Loyal, naïve, positive, fair, hardworking, perfectionist, independent, Ataxophobia (Fear of untidiness.)

4. Favorite outfit?
Depends on the weather tbh.

5. Favorite ice Cream flavor?
Cookies or watermelon ^^

6. Favorite american Movie?
The X-Men series xD also Teen Wolf even tho that's a television series.

7. All countries you have already been to?


- Belgium

- Germany

- Greece

- Italy

- France

8. Your age?
'01 liner

9. All time favorite kpop song?
It changes all the time but at the moment it's Got7's Flight Log Turbulence album, 만약에 and BTS' wings album, Begin.

10. Pizza or pasta?
Uhmmmm... pizza(?) Idk I like both okay! 😂

Tagging the first 21 people whobsee this ^^ the me in yours so I can see your answers~

♥♥♥ Huyanyan

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