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❝Shit,❞Jimin sighed into the cold, winter air as he silently waited for Yoongi on the park bench. He watched as happy couples walked past him, slightly curving a smile as they walked past, though it hardly happened. It was very rare. It wasn't suprising since Jimin was wearing headphones and not looking up from his phone much. He hadn't even noticed half of the people who were staring at him. ❝Yoongi, you little shit. Where are you?❞ The amount of people who turned their heads and stared at Jimin in disgust because he sweared was higher than the amount of people Jimin was friends with.

Slowly, Jimin texted Yoongi once more, asking where he was and laughed bitterly. ❝What if he doesn't even want to meet me? What if he isn't even coming?❞ He sighed again, placing his palm on the bench, flinching as his hand made contact with a piece of old chewing gum; he had no idea who would even do that here, and he thought it was disgusting. Then again, before he met Yoongi, he thought gays were disgusting, and now, he was one himself. It's funny how things change in life, for the better, and for the worse. Jimin checked his phone, unlocked it with the password;

Y O O N G I 

As he smiled as himself, he checked his and Yoongi's messages, something he did alot. He checked through them, laughing as if he was reading them from the first time. He did this everytime he missed Yoongi, or when Yoongi wouldn't respond to him. Normally, when did this that, Yoongi would respond. This time, however, he hadn't responded yet. Yoongi sighed and turned his phone off again. It had just turned 11:45 as they were meant to meet at half 11. Jimin nearly screamed in frustration, but he remembered that there were other people outside. He quietly mumbled things to himself; things that reminded him of Yoongi. Once he got bored of that, which was quickly since people had started to stare at him for talking to himself, he fished his phone out again and started listening to Agust D again. 

❝He reminds me of Yoongi...❞ Jimin thought out-loud and frowned again. He was getting memories and all he was doing was waiting for his crush to walk up to him; unless something bad had happened, which it usually did if it was Jimin. The last time he went to meet up with someone-

Jimin wiped a tear away, trying not to remember what happened with Jinyoung, who was in a band called GOT7. Well, he would have if it hadn't happened. Jimin frowned again, repressing the memories again as if it was a terrible thing in his life, when in reality; it really wasn't. Jinyoung, was just a friend Jimin had met online, and Jimin knew that Jinyoung liked Jimin. He was fully aware. However, at that time, Jimin was against gays. Now, he fully accepted them yet he hadn't accepted himself as 100% homosexual. Suddenly, someone sat next to Jimin, yet he hadn't noticed yet. He was still listening to Agust D when the person slightly touched his shoulder.

❝Hey,❞ The person spoke, looking into Jimin's eyes as Jimin just stared back, not knowing what to do. His mind wasn't helping much either, since this stranger happened to be very, very attractive and he was killing Jimin inside. Un-willingly, Jimin took his headphones out and opened his mouth to speak,

❝Hi! I'm Jimin!❞ He spoke happily, his eyes disappearing as he smiled slightly. The handsome man just looked at Jimin, as if he already knew.

❝I know,❞ The man spoke, smiling back at Jimin. Jimin stared at him, un-aware that the man he was speaking to was actually Yoongi, the man he wanted to see the most in the world right now. ❝Park Jiminie, it's me.❞ Suddenly, something sparked in Jimin as he smiled and laughed. He knew who it was, and grinned widely.

❝Yoongi-hyung!❞ Jimin yelled, not even caring about the people around him, as his whole world was right infront of him anyway. He felt really weird saying it like that, since he hadn't even know who it was before now; heck, he didn't know his family; he knew where his house was but that was is. He knew his favourite foods, favourite colors and some of his friends like Seunghwan, Moonbin, Gunwoo, Dokyun and Kangjoon, but that was it really. 

- - - - - - 

For the next half hour or so, they walked around the park (jimin) hand-in-hand, smiling at each other every so often. At one point, Yoongi had tried to kiss Jimin's cheek, but when Jimin caught him trying to, he moved away at the last second and just laughed at him, not knowing that he hurt Yoongi's feelings, since the older really did have feelings for him, and really wanted to date said younger boy.

❝Jimin,❞ Yoongi said seriously, causing Jimin to stop walking and stare back at him, smiling. ❝This is serious,❞ Yoongi suddenly snapped back. Jimin stopped smiling, as Yoongi went on to bravely announce, ❝I love you, Park Jimin.❞ Jimin laughed again. 

❝I know, you've said before,❞ Jimin stuttered nervously, staring down at the floor as he laughed again when he felt nervous all of a sudden. ❝And, I know what you mean this time. You really want to date me, and same. I want to date you too, Min Yoongi.❞ Yoongi smiled a real smile for once, as just stayed there in his spot as he reached out and grabbed Jimin's hand with his free one as he forgot that there was people around the couple. They were allowed to say couple now, since Yoongi assumed they were dating. Yoongi, slowly, cupped Jimin's face with his other hand as he slowly leaned forward as he captured Jimin's lips. A slight clap could be heard in the distance, as Yoongi saw Seokjin, Taehyung and Jungkook in the background, cheering for the two. Behind Seokjin and Vkook was Hoseok, silently sobbing because he couldn't date Jimin now. Seokjin then went on to explain that was other people and many more bands with people in.

As Seokjin finished what he was saying, Hoseok ran off, still crying. Jin shrugged, laughing, as he turned back and looked at his brother and his brother's boyfriend, kissing out in the public. He wondered how they didn't care about the homophobes around and about, but then again; love didn't have genders. It didn't matter if you were gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual or anything. Jin accept everything, as he knew how it felt. Heck, he even accepted transgenders since his best friend, Taehwan, was actually transgender. Jin sighed in content as Namjoon came up from behind him and back-hugged him, smiling and inhaling his scent.

❝Do you accept them?❞ Namjoon asked, feeling slightly nervous as he buried his face further into his boyfriend's neck. 

❝Of course,❞ Jin answered back, staring at the YoonMin couple who had just seperated. They were just staring into each other's eyes, smiling at one another. He looked back at Namjoon, still with a half smile on his face.

Yoongi looked back into Jimin's eyes, content in just staring into them for years. Jimin smirked back at Yoongi as he finally noticed the Namjin couple staring at them from a distance. He send a smile over to them as he looked at Yoongi again. He'd finally gotten what he wanted the most. The ability to be able to kiss Yoongi whenever they were and wherever they were. He got what he wanted most in life, while Yoongi did not.

What did Yoongi want most in life?

To die.




"oh no run"

Ok so, the bands in this chapter were:


;D stan all of them please :I thanks!,


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