Finding Out About Her

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Hi guys I just want to say that I won't really have a routine for posting with this book so it will probably be three chapters a week anytime and any day of the week. Anyway, I hope you enjoy chapter two :3

I start to follow her and we walk through the corridors in silence, until I speak up.
"Um, my names Ash, uh, what's yours?"
I mentally faceplamed,
I sound so stupid.
"Serena." She replies.
Her voice sounded dead, I could tell she had given up on life and I want to know why.
"Um, so why aren't you in class?"
She doesn't reply.
Great, now I've made things awkward between us.
"I don't do classes." "Oh ok."
I decided not to ask why in case I make things super awkward.
I don't know why, but I want to know more about her, she seems like a really interesting person.
Why does everyone hate her?
"We're here." She says in the same dull voice.
"Ok, Thankyou for your help Serena."
I saw her look at me in surprise for a second and then it went back to the lifeless one.
"There's no need to thank me." "Yer there is, you were a big help. Anyway, I need to get to class, see you." I wave. "Goodbye."
It looks like she tried to smile, but her lips wouldn't move high enough to, it was like her mouth was glued into a frown.
She walks off and I open the door to the classroom.
Everyone turns their attention to me.
"Oh, you must be Ash, our new student, welcome, my name is Professor Sycamore."
I walk up to him and he tells me to introduce myself to the class.
As I look to the class I see Dawn smiling at me.
"Hi, my name is Ash and I'm from Pallet Town in Kanto, I hope we can be friends." "Ash, go sit next to Dawn, she's the one with the blue hair."
I walk up to Dawn and sit down beside her, taking my bag off and putting on the back of my chair in the process.
"Hi Ash!" "Hey Dawn, what are we doing?" "Oh, we're just drawing." "Oh cool, can I have a look at yours?" "Sure Ash here you go."
It was a penguin.
"Wow Dawn, that's a really good drawing!" "Thanks so much Ash." Dawn blushes
Does she like me?
Hopefully not because I don't like Dawn in that way and I don't think I ever will.
Dawn hands me a piece of paper and I start drawing.
After what seems like forever, I finally finish.
It wasn't that good, but it was decent.
I drew a red lizard.
Dawn leans over.
"That's a great drawing Ash, well done!" "Thanks Dawn. Um, can I ask you something?" "Yer, of course Ash." "Why do you not like Serena?" "Huh, you know her name, that means you've talked to her Ash! I told you not to talk to her." "I know, but I want to know what's so bad about talking to her." "Well, she's an outcast and every time someone tries to make conversation with her she just ignores them. Also, if anyone catches you talking to her your reputation goes down by A LOT." "Ok."
I'm annoyed now.
To me she seems like a nice girl, even if she spoke to me coldly.
I'm determined to find out more about Serena, I also want to help her as well, because I know deep inside she's a really nice person, I can tell.
I leave art and go to english.
It was pretty boring, we learnt how to write poems.
Math was alright, the teacher was funny and I made a new friend, Gary, he was really annoying at the start, but after a while he seemed like a pretty nice guy.
Now it was lunch, I look in my bag and see some money.
Thanks mom.
I walk up to the cafeteria lady and ask for spaghetti.
After I get my food, I walk outside to find somewhere to sit because it was way too noisy inside.
I see a hill with a Sakura tree planted on the top so I walk over there.
As I get closer I see someone.
It was Serena.

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