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Hope you enjoy this chapter :3

I shout, tears of happiness now streaming from my eyes.
"Hi." She says, giggling weakly.
I look down to her neck and my smile instantly fades.
She had a giant cast from her collarbone to the bottom of her chin.
"Sere, what happened to your neck!?" I ask. "I broke the top part of my spine so I kind of half paralyzed."
The last word hit me like a bullet.
"Y-yours p-paralyzed." "I'll be fine in a few months, don't worry."
She smiles at me, but this time it doesn't help.
A few months seeing Serena like this is going to be hard.
She sees the sadness in my eyes.
"Please don't be sad Ash, you can visit me everyday after school if you want."
Oh yer, I have to go to school, don't I, without her.
"Ok, thanks Sere." I say, trying to make my voice sound happy.
We sit there for a while in silence till I speak up.
"Serena I'm sorry." "Theres nothing to be sorry about Ash." "Yer there is! I should of taken that shot for you, I should of saved you before you got smashed against a wall! I should of done everything and I did nothing!" "Ash, you saved me from him. If you weren't there, then I would have been dead."
I suppose she was right, but I should be the one that is hospitalized, not her.
"I should be the one in hospital, not you, I should have taken every blow your father did to you." "Ash, please stop thinking like this."
I could see her on the verge of tears.
"I'm sorry Sere, I should have thought about what I was saying." "That's ok Ash."
The nurse walks in.
"Hello, you're Ash right?" She says. "Yes." "Well, I'm sorry Ash but visiting time has ended so you have to leave." "Ok, bye Sere." "Bye Ash, have a nice time at school tomorrow."
I walk out the hospital and check the time, 1:13.
I might as well go get something to eat.
I sit down at a nearby cafè.
I wonder if it's boring in hospital, I'll have to bring her something to keep her entertained while I'm not there.
I finish eating and go to the mall.

I step out the shop I was in and start to make my way back home.
"Ash!" I hear someone shout behind me.
I turn round to see Dawn.
"Omg Ash, what happened to you!?"
I look at my fists and they're still wrapped in bandages.
"I really don't want to talk about it." I reply. "Please tell me Ash, I'm your friend remember, you can tell me anything." "Fine, let's find a place to sit."
We decide to go to the park because hardly anyone goes there so I can talk about it without anyone ease dropping.
"So what happened." She asks. "Well, Serena got kidnapped and attacked by her father." I say looking at the floor. "Oh my goodness is she ok?!" "No, I tried to help but I'm not strong enough." "Is she dead?" Dawn whispers.
You could tell she was upset.
"No, but she's probably close to it. Anyway, why are you out of school early?" "Well, I didn't see you come to school so I went to find you."
I look at my phone and it's 3:46.
"I should be going now Dawn, it was nice talking to you." I say. "Ok Ash, see you tomorrow." "Ok, bye."
I walk back to my house and open the door.
My mom rushes up to me.
"How is she Ash?" "She's alive."
I then walked passed her and run up to my bedroom before she could stop me.
I slump on my bed and get the present I brought for Serena out my bag.

I finish wrapping it up and start playing video games to waste time.
By the time I get bored it's nine o'clock so I get changed and head to bed.

As I open my eyes the sunlight blinds me.
My eyes finally adjust and I sit up and check the time, 7:24.
I jump out of bed and get ready for school.
These next couple of months are going to be hard.

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