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                              B L U E

           "Travel light." ~Buddha.

          Memories. We all carry them. Some are good. Some are bad. But we all always have them. One may be your first fall. Or your first heartbreak. But it's something you remember. For life.  

            Mom is all that I see when I close my eyes. My angel. Every memory I have always has her in it. And I don't really have that many. So that's saying something.

             This part of land is a little scary. Dim lights lining the street illuminating the short stubby bushes along them. The tar road a little damp since the past few downpours. But I must admit it was kinda fun to jump in them.

Sorry mom.

                 The houses here are pretty big. They all have average prices cars parked in their driveways. I think they are Challengers and maybe a few Hondas. Saw them in those city magazines. They are generally in tatters. With doodles and messages with colourful language...

The Lawn gnomes smile widely greeting me into the neighbourhood.

           But right now, this family I see in front of me, leaving this plush neighbourhood makes me feel a little nostalgic. The father holding his breath trying to contain himself from crying oceans and the mother holding her three beautiful crying  children close makes me feel uneasy. Watching as the oldest boy wearing a faded nirvana shirt holds his baby sisters' hands in his relatively big ones reminds me of the time my mother held my hands when my uncle left. She was crying. Holding my hand as tight as she could. Not letting me go.

    That was the day I realised I was her everything.

          This house, now being abandoned, still holds a glint of pride. The green well trimmed grass still unaware that their caretakers are leaving. The walls of the house ready to collapse. All hopes lost. Giving up. Forlorn.

     That's how I never want to feel.

          No matter where I go, I want to be happy. Find new little things. And live.

Sometimes I wonder why I can't understand the emotions we all feel. And sometimes I just find things so easy to decipher. It's so confusing actually. And it always leaves me in awe.

You know that feeling? That feeling when you feel that all your feelings and causing a hurricane in your stomach. That feeling when you feel light headed. That feeling that leaves you thinking forever. That leaves you awake. You can't sleep. You can't breathe. You can't focus on anything. All you can do is just watch...

Watch as a little girl in pigtails runs back into her residence's arms. Her tears splashing onto the wooden porch.
The small pat that it makes making you feel a thousand more emotions. Watch as the father runs in to get her back. Watch as the mother turns behind and wipes a few unnoticed tears. Watch as the daughter struggles in her worried dads arms. Wanting to never let go. Watch as the family stares at the house as the cars old engine cries saying goodbye to its house. Watch as the boy looks at his home for the last time through the window decorated with raindrops. The similar ones that stain his cheeks.

               Have you ever felt this feeling my friends?

                       This blue feeling.

It's not that great...But it's beautiful.

But what can you do? We've got to make the most of the little things, don't we?

            A little older, a little blue and      drenched,

Time: 6:30 pm(I think.)

Little Things.   #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now