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With our thoughts, we make the world. ~Buddha.


Looks like I was right about going home for lunch...

But keeping the delicious tacos aside, I should probably talk to you guys about what I'm seeing right now.. After all that's why you guys are reading this book right? Right.

I can feel foreign air hitting my nostrils. My life around my tiny house and meadow is very different than my surroundings right now. The houses are bigger and are in better conditions.. These houses are polished and neat unlike my rough edged make shift house.

But I love it. Always and forever.

I remember walking in these reasonably levelled roads with my twin sister. Lacey. The most beautiful thing I could ever call my own. Unfortunately, God gave her a call a little too soon. But I know she is happy.

It's telepathy. I'm a genius.

Sometimes I wonder how many little things she would see in heaven. They would probably give ten times more joy than the little things I see. Everything so pure. You would probably not even have to look for them. They would just be everywhere.

But I never get lost in that wanderlust.. It's dangerous. You know why? It's because you are wasting time thinking. You're missing out what's in front of you. You are missing out now.

Imagine enjoying every now in your life? Imagine finding a story in everything you see. Imagine seeing the whole world in another angle.

I always look around me and see the big, the small, the ugly, the beautiful.

They all have a story to tell.

And then I create a world. I am the king. I am God. I am the creator. I. Am.Everything.

Now that's a great feeling to have right?

However, sometimes, we fail to see these precious and glorious little things.. So all I do is wait.

They say that the greatest prayer is patience.What you want will come. And when it does, you are the happiest person ever!

Something so rare. So beautiful. So odd. Happiness.

It makes you want to jump around in ecstasy. It makes you want to cry. I makes you want to scream. Scream so loud that external horizons can hear it. So loud that it shakes the sun to make it shine brighter.

So odd... So so odd.

But when you see these little things, a smile spreads through your heart. You can feel it. You feel warm.

And no matter what you lose, you will get something bigger than what you lost. At least God tries.

Let's give him some credit and smile a little, shall we?

These little things my friends, are my world. These raindrops around me, falling in their assigned spots are nothing but fragments in my world.

But these tiny droplets hold so much in them. The sun that generously sends light to me doesn't forget to make these drops beautiful.

The colours that each raindrop holds are mesmerising. Each raindrop shaped by the light winds making each one of them perfect. Something nothing can be.

And when these little raindrops splash onto the plush grass, they burst and spread their colour everywhere.

Even the smallest ombré pebble gets the slightest colour that changes the way it looks. Each drop that falls on the leaves of the trees makes the leaves shinier than ever. Even the sweet roses smile bright as they get kissed by the pale raindrops.
The grass becomes greener. The soil becomes livelier.

Life. Imagine giving something life.

We humans are like raindrops as well. We all fall down to the earth as unpolished beings with an assigned duty. We get shaped by our surroundings and clear our way to reach our goal.

And on the way to that goal, we pick up happiness, sorrow, you know, all the beautiful stuff. And carrying that all the way to our goal is surprisingly easy. And don't worry if you spill anything on the way. It's fine to be messy sometimes.

And when you reach your goal, you realise that there wasnt any goal. We were fooled. But when you look back, you see everything you have done. Every breath you have taken. Every word you have said. Every life you have changed. All the happiness you have achieved.

Surrender to wander and mystery in the real world.

It feels great.

So let's continue this journey shall we?

Over and out, and a little sleepy,


Time: 6:30 (I think.)

Little Things.   #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now