A u t h o r ' s N o t e

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"Your Happiness is only in your hands. No one else has the power to give you the happiness that you can give yourself. So go ahead friend. Make yourself happy. You deserve it. Trust me. It changes everything around you. See the beautiful  little things. Your life will become a  beautiful little thing."

This book is dedicate to all the rainbows, raindrops, stars, lights, sticks, sunrises, sunsets, shores, and scenes I have seen in my life. A special thank you to my mom, dad,my grandma and 'Pops' for believing in me and loving me. A hearty thank you to the Lacey, Arthur, Frankie, Harold,(that drunk guy I didn't name), and Dennis in my life whohave helped me discover my happiness. The same people, still help me, to discover myself. Also, a big bear hug to my cat, who has heard everything; right from my geography notes to the stupidest school problems I have faced. I owe you big time baby girl.

Until next time,

Little Things.   #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now