Chapter 5: SURPRISE!!

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W-wow... F-for... Me?" Yumi said, completely startled and teary eyed. "Naahw look at him! This is so sweet!" Nagisa said as he starting hugging him. The rest quickly followed and they gave him a big birthday hug. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUMIKO!" They said in unison. They let go and all sat down in his living room. "I'll go get each one of us some cake." Rei said with a smile. "Wow guys seriously, thanks so much for this. This is actually the first time I celebrate my birthday." Yumi said, softly looking a tad more sad after his last comment. "Just your first time? How come?" Mako asked. "Well my dad never wanted to as it is a 'waste of money' according to him. Not like I had any friends to celebrate it with anyways.." He said with an even more sad face. He quickly looked around and noticed everyone's smiles had faded, so he decided to lighten the mood "It's totally fine. I now have you guys, so let's not talk about the past and just enjoy the future." He finished with a smile, and immediately the weight of suspense floated away. "Here is the cake!" Rei said, holding a large plastic plate with 7 glass plates and cake on it. Everyone grabbed a plate, sat around Yumi's table in the living room and started eating. Nagisa was shoving his piece in his mouth as quick and un charmingly as possible, and Rei and Rin pridefully looked at the rest, searching for looks of confirmation that the cake really tastes good. "Wow. This cake is amazing! And it's my favourite taste too!!" Yumi said with a big smile. "Ahh well thank you! Rin and I tried our hardest! Ofcourse it was a bit hard to settle in and find the correct equipment as we don't know your house, but we got through it and made a killer cake." Rei said. "Indeed you did! But how did you know that chocolate is my favourite taste? Or was it coincidental?" Yumi asked. "Ask that to your old man Mako here." Rin says, poking at the green eyed guy's shoulder with his elbow. Mako awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Ahh sneaky Mako-Chan, did not expect that from you." Yumi says with a wink. "Oh-my-god don't do that Yumi I'm dying." Mako thinks to himself as he's internally dying and contemplating. "Mako, are you okay?" Haru asked. "Is something stuck in your throat?" Nagisa asked. "Do we need to call 911?" Gou followed up. "Helloo???" Rin asked waving in front of his face. Mako jumped up and looked at the rest. He was unaware that he had sunken in his thoughts about Yumi so deeply that his face turned into a tomato. And he sat there for over a minute without moving. "Oh I'm sorry no I was just ehh.." Mako got quiet and awkwardly continued to eat their cake. The rest started laughing and continued their mundane conversations as Gou and Nagisa were hinting and winking to Yumi, making him blush. But Yumi was smarter than Mako and quickly changed the subject. "Okay let's do a fun game, who has an ide-" "SPIN THE BOTTLE! LET'S DO IT!" Nagisa interrupted loud and cheerfully. "Ehh.. Okay. Let me find a bottle." Yumi said nervously. Nagisa scooted over to Gou and started whispering "This is the time where they should kiss!" "Yeah but how do you want to let that happen?" Gou whispered back. "We have to make sure the bottle gets the both of them" "Nagisa, that is not possible!" "Come on, we'll find something, but this has to happen." "Yes, they have to kiss!" Gou said, but both she and Nagisa jumped up when Rei asked "Who have to kiss?" Both Nagisa and Gou were smacked with nervousness by this unexpected question, as neither expected that their whispering was so loud, everyone could hear it. "It's nothing, we were just joking around." Nagisa nervously said as Gou attempted to laugh the situation off.

"I found a bottle!" Yumi said. Everyone sat down in a circle and he put the bottle in the middle. "Now, who gets the honor to spin it?" Yumi asked. "Go for it birthday boy!" Rin said, after which he grabbed Yumi's beanie and put it on his own head. "Hey that's mi-" "Spin it!" Rin interrupted Yumi. Yumi spun the bottle, it turned, and turned...... After about 7 turns it ended at.... Gou. Everyone starting laughing and making every sound possible to make it awkward. "Well, okay!" Yumi got up and casually kissed Gou on the lips. "It seemed like he didn't even care. Does this mean he is gay or is he just shameless? Probably the second one... Damnit." Mako thought to himself.
Gou felt her skin burn and tried to hide it behind her blouse. "Well you're the first guy that doesn't get punched in the face by Rin for kissing his sister." Rei said jokingly. "Ah it's just a silly game! Rin said as he spun the bottle. Again it ended on Gou. "WAIT WHAT?!" everyone said shocked. Both Rin and Gou got very nervous. "Well so much for a silly game.." Yumi remarked. "I don't care." Rin responded, feeling challenged by the brown haired swimmer. He got up towards Gou and kissed her. "That is actually more disgusting then I thought it would be." Nagisa pointed out. "Nah, you're just jealous!" Mako joked. "What is that supposed to mean?!" Nagisa said, but before he could continue his ranting match he was overblown by everyone laughing at him.
"Mako it's your turn!" Rin suddenly said. Mako let out a sigh of nervousness and spun the bottle. Full of fear and slight excitement he watched it spin. He kind of wanted it to end on Yumi, but wasn't sure if he had the guts to kiss him in front of everyone. The bottle stopped spinning, and pointed at Yumi.

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