Chapter 6: The Confession

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Suddenly the room was filled with silence. Everybody closely watched Mako getting more and more nervous every second. "Why... Why does this always happen." The backstroke swimmer thought to himself. After another few seconds of thinking, he decided to go for it. He crawled closer to Yumi, looked at his beautiful grey green eyes, pouted his lips and came closer as Yumi followed his lead. Just when they were about to make contact, the bell rung. Mako immediately jumped back. "I-I'll go get it!" Mako said, still completely blushing from what just happened. "Well too bad that didn't go through." Gou said to Nagisa. Both now staring at a seemingly disappointed Yumi.
Mako walked towards the door, still distracted by his own train of thought. "That was so extremely awkward. But I shouldn't have backed off, maybe I insulted him now. But wait, he isn't gay. Get it out of your head Tachibana!" He thinks to himself as he starts smacking the sides of his head. He arrived at the door and grabbed the doorknob. Just when he was about to turn it another knock resonated through the door. "Yeah yeah, I'm opening!" The young teen says, slightly agitated by the impatient knocker.

*in the living room*

"Well Mako surely is taking a long ti-" Rei was disrupted by a loud scream. Everyone jumps up and runs towards Mako, only to see him sitting on the floor, staring at the open door full of fear. "What happened?" Haru asked. "I-I..." Mako stuttered. "What happened to the person knocking?" Gou asked, while Rin closed the door and Yumi and Haru helped the scared teen get up and calm down. "Nobody was at the door." Mako softly got out while walking back to the living room. "Oh. That's weir- WAIT WHAT?!" Yumi asked in panic. "Yeah, I heard a second knock when I wanted to open the door but when I opened it, n-nobody was there!" Mako said panicking. Now with both Yumi and Mako panicking over ghosts, Rin grabbed both of them by the collar and put them in the living room. "Alright ladies, there is no such thing as ghosts and if so, they definitely won't knock on the doors of losers like us." He says, folding his arms in eachother, glaring at both teens like a strict principal. "Y-yes Rin you're right." Mako said.

About 5 minutes later everyone is cooled down again and they're just relaxing in the living room. "Thinking back about what happened with the door just then. Yumi, why did you get scared? Don't you like those kind of things?" Nagisa asked. "Well yes, as long as they don't happen at my own house." The birthday boy said with an awkward laugh. Nagisa sighed out of relieve. After a short pause he said "That's great! Because look what I brought!" Nagisa shows a dvd he has been hiding in the back of his shirt the whole night. Mako came by more closer to look at the title, and when he read it, his eyes completely widened.
"Ju-On The Grudge" Rin read out loud. "Ahh that movie, the sound of that woman used to give me nightmares." Rei said. Nagisa initiated to imitate the sound the woman makes, a gnarly sound like somebody with heavy breathing problems tries to get their last sip of air before death.
Mako started screaming and hid his head behind Yumi, putting his arms around Yumi's waist and shoving his face in the dark brown haired teens muscular back, slowly reddening the cheeks of them both. Rei walked towards Nagisa and put his hand over Nagisa's mouth, muting the imitation. Mako got up again and sat next to Yumi. "Are you sure you want to watch this?" Haru asked. "Yes. It's his birthday so I'll survive it." The green eyed teen said with determination in his eyes. Yumi guided everyone upstairs to a West-European styled lounge-room. A fairly large room filled with a nice and large 8 person bed-bank and a large black flatscreen tv across from it. Rei went to sit all the way in the right corner with Nagisa next to him. In the middle sat Gou and Rin and in the left Haru went to sit down as Mako strategically snuggled himself up against the blue eyed boy. Yumi opened the cabinet the tv stands on and pulled out all the blankets. "It seems like I have just 4 blankets. Do you guys mind sharing? "No it's fine." Everyone sloppily said. Yumi handed a blanket to Haru & Mako, Gou & Rin and Nagisa & Rei. "Don't you mind sitting all alone?" Haru asked in a sweet tone. "No, I've watched movies like these all alone in the middle of the night, so I'll be fine!" Yumi says, he puts the movie in the dvd player and looks at the bed-bank for a place to sit. At first he looked at the place next to Mako, but when he noticed how Mako snuggled up against Haru he felt a slight sharp pain in his chest. He looked to the other side and made eye contact with Rei. "Hey, you mind me taking the corner?" He asked. "Ofcourse not! It's your birthday." Rei answered, as everyone scooted over to the left and Yumi went to sit in the corner wrapped up like a burrito. The movie started and as Yumi correctly remembered, it gradually got worse every time. Not only was the room filled with the sounds of the movie, but also with Mako screaming at every jumpscare that happened. "Man, Makoto it's not even that scary." Rin said jokingly. "To me it is!" Mako said with a shakey voice, after which he cuddled up against Haru. But this time was different than normal, Haru actually gave affection back, and they were both cuddling in a coupleish way. Yumi secretly sneaked peaks at this, but felt the stabbing pain in his heart worsen every second he sees this sight. After another 20 minutes, another jumpscare came, this one was so bad, that not only Mako, but every single one of them screamed. Even the people that have already seen it. Mako stood up and immediately after Yumi paused the movie. "Hey, are you okay?" The young birthday teen said. "Yeah, I'm just gonna take a breather outside, you can continue the movie though, I'll be back in no time." Mako says with a weak smile, after which he left the room.

*Yumi's terrace, 11 PM*

Mako was sitting outside on the wooden edge of the terrace, looking up at the stars in the night sky. He was thinking back about the moment he almost kissed Yumi. Every time he thought about it, he felt butterflies in his stomach. He also thought about how weird it was that Haru cuddled him back all of the sudden. "He never does that... Does this mean that after all these years he final-" he was softly talking to himself, but immediately shut up when someone else came sitting next to him, it was Haru.
"Hey! What are you doing outside?"   Mako asked the dark haired teen. "I've been worried about you Mako, you seem distant and distracted. We've been best friends for years, I know when somethings wrong with you, and I think this is one of those moments. So tell me, what is it?" Haru asked, after which he came to sit even closer to his best friend and started holding his hands to comfort him. Mako felt the blood flow to his cheeks. "Well... It's just... I-I've been confused." The green eyed teen says with struggle and tears building up in his eyes. "Don't worry Mako, I know what you mean. And it's okay, I accept you no matter what." Haru says, after which he gave Mako a firm and loving hug. Actually surprising Mako who is frozen of disbelief.
After a long and warm hug they both pulled away and looked eachother straight in the eyes. "I am so thankful of him being here for me, but one thing is sure: after 2 years, I have finally gotten over him." Mako thought to himself. Unknown of the fact that Haru slowly came closer to Mako's mouth. Just before Mako could notice what his black haired best friend was doing, Yumi walked outside and Haru jumped up. "Hey sorry guys, but the movie got a bit too scary for me." Yumi says awkwardly. "Do you guys mind me sitting here too?" "Ofcourse not!" Haru said with a slight, almost unnoticeable painful smile as he tapped against the wooden edge next to him. After a short conversation Haru told the two other teens that he will be going back upstairs to ensure nobody, especially Nagisa, doesn't break anything. Neither of the remaining boys knew of the fact that this was just an excuse, and Haru felt like his one chance he had to kiss the guy he truly loves is forever gone.
"So I guess that leaves the two of us." Mako said with a sweet smile. Yumi sighs and made eye-contact with Mako. Clearly showing nervousness. "There is something I have to tell you, Mako-Chan." Yumi shakily said. "What is it?" Mako asked, feeling the nervousness flow over to him too. "This is something I've kept secret not only from you, but from everyone. I think I'm gay."

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