Fire and Ice (K&E Mini Series) New Beginnings

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  • Dedicated to Every One Of My Fans! Love You :D

Mini Series of A Sacrifice For Love

I need Ideas!?!

"So where are we headed, Katherine?" I asked leaning back into the leather car seats. We had been driving for hours it seemed.

The only sounds were the pelting rain, and soft music from the stereo. She obviously had an acquired taste in music. I drummed my fingers awaiting her response.

Katherine sighed, "North Carolina."

"North Carolina?" I echoed, my nose crinkling in disgust, "Why are we headed there?"

"Klaus 101 - session one." Katherine began, "The first thing he'll do now that he's a full hybrid is make more hybrids. There's a pack of werewolves that travel around that area. That's where he'll start looking."

"I knew that." I rolled my eyes carelessly, "What I don't understand is why were heading the same way he is."

"You have a lot to learn." She smirked, "But I'll give you credit. You're smart for the average newborn."

I pursed my lips, "Then explain it to me."

"When you are being tracked down by Klaus- the safest place to be-"

"Is right under his nose." I smirked, back at her, "Not bad of a game plan."

"You're catching on quickly." She complimented me, "Good, that way you won't annoy me to the point of me killing you."

I laughed, "As if you could get rid of me that easily."


"You hungry?" I asked with a grin before continuing, "Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop." I wiggled my brows playfully, "A trucker."

Katherine smirked in response as she put her foot on the gas pedal harder. The engine roared as we flew down the streets.


"Hey." I said seductively to a guy- early twenties. His blonde hair fell messily into his green eyes, which were hypnotized by my own. "My friend and I need a room."

Katherine and I were now in North Carolina trying to get a room. Klaus had already been here. There was a newspaper on the counter that I was standing at. In bold at the top read : Animal Attack. My eyes scanned over it lightly to conclude that it was quite gruesome. The whole body was torn to shreds. Honestly it could have been an animal attack. If the body wasn't completely drained of blood.

"Of course." He smiled, looking me up and down before his eyes darted to an uninterested Katherine. She was messing with the knick-knacks that were placed on the counter of the hotel. Well- more like a bed and breakfast but you get the idea, "How long will you two be staying?"

I looked at Katherine, unsure myself.

She shrugged, "Not sure."

"Alright- well it's three hundred a night." The guy mused, looking at the paper work in front of him.

"That won't do." I heard Katherine declare boredom seeping into her voice, "We need it free." I smirked catching on.

"I-I don't think I can do that." He muttered with a sigh, "I could loose my job. And trust me the two of you are super hot, but I'm not stupid."

I leaned forward, "I don't think you're stupid..."


"Brendan." I repeated with a small smile, "But you are human."

"What?" He asked becoming confused.

"You will give us the room for free... no questions asked." I told him in monotone, my eyes dilating as I spoke. My compulsion spell taking a hold of his mind, "Understand?"

Fire and Ice (K&E Mini Series) New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now