Fire and Ice (K&E Mini Series) Chapter Eight

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I sighed staring down from a high up window to the lower platform of the warehouse. I winced at the scene below me. Knowing that this was going to be a bloody battle. Myself against the Lucy-crew. Or whatever she and her ‘helpers’ wanted to be called.

Personally I didn’t care. Nor did I actually want to be here. I would rather be doing anything else… Anything had to be better than being on a rescue mission.

Katherine was tied to a chair by ropes, I assumed were laced with vervain. Although I knew she had been taking it again, right after my little compulsion lesson was over. The ropes probably somewhat effected her.

Either that or she was too stupid to attempt to break out.. But I knew her, like I knew myself. She would have tried everyway possible to get free by now. Also, the vervain that was in her system before hand was most likely gone due to the hours between doses.

Blood was smeared all across her body. My lips quirked upwards slightly- only because she staked me out of pure joy. She looked in pain, that’s for sure. Her lips were at a hard line, and her hair was actually a mess. Katherine’s new clothes were now ruined as well. If I did get us both out of this, she would definitely bitch about it.

There was also a large table a few feet from where Katherine was tied up. Lots of torture devices laid there. Most bloodied and used from what I could tell. These people were definitely sick.

The girl- named Lucy was circling her. A sick smile took a hold of her child-like features. Her hands were twirling around a large stake. I watched as she suddenly slammed it down into Katherine’s hand.

I flinched, as I watched their lips begin to move. I looked around on the room to see exactly what I needed. A slide able window. I slid it up and listened in.

“Do you honestly believe Electra will bring you that journal?” Katherine asked with a raised eye brow, “She hates me, I doubt she would save me. She’s probably halfway across the world by now with your stupid little book.”

Lucy then latched her hand onto Katherine’s neck. The look in the girl’s eyes were murderous. I could have laughed as Katherine taunted her with a sly smile.

“I should kill you now!” Lucy hissed her eyes ablaze, “Your nothing but a little run away whore!”

Katherine obviously didn’t take any offense to the statement. Seeing as though her expression didn’t change, not one bit. I admired how she took the insult. She held in her anger, not giving Lucy the satisfaction to see it. Although deep down I knew that Katherine was pissed.

Glancing around the room below I noticed her two other goons. Both men, and both looking positively bored. Their arms were crossed and their eyes wandered around the room. This whole kidnapping Katherine thing to get the journal definitely didn’t amuse them in the slightest.

Thinking I had my game plan figured out, I jumped down from an open window. Landing impressively behind old, abandoned, wooden boxes. I smirked, seeing a broken box on the cement floor. A lone piece of wood, caught my eye. Taking it into my hand, I felt adrenaline coarse through my veins.

I held my breath as I stood directly behind him. He hadn’t noticed me yet- that could only mean one thing… He was a newborn. No older vampire would have been that oblivious. Although I was a newborn as well, only I was a quick learner.

I staked the guy with a quick thrust of my hand. My other hand going around to his face, clamping over his mouth to silence his gasp of death. He struggled for a moment, but I just tightened my grip. I watched the veins appear all over his body. A gruesome sight, and soon enough he stopped moving.

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