Chapter 1

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Well here I am again. This time, not with a one shot! I haven't done a series in a while so I thought "Hey why not." Now this is going to be a series about Walter getting to Lake Tahoe, and before entering a relationship with Paige he must gain her trust. After Comic- Con I got this idea and I have decided to put it into writing. I have no idea how long this will be, and considering school starts soon, I can't guarantee a daily update. However I am going to pre- write as much as I can before school starts in September that way updates can be more frequent. So enough of my rambling, I will let you get on with the story.

Title: Earning Trust

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

Chapter 1:

Paige, she was all Walter could ever think about. She was constantly in his mind, in his thoughts. Where ever he looked he either saw something that was hers, something that reminded him of her, or something she would like. And as long as he has tried to deny it, his feelings have just gotten stronger. And now what has he done? Now he has literally pushed her into the arms of someone else.

"DAMN IT." Walter yelled for the 10th time that night, as he continued to speed down the road leading to Lake Tahoe. Walter still couldn't believe how stupid he was to give Paige the tickets to go with Tim. If only Tim hadn't called last night, if he hadn't called maybe I wouldn't have chickened out so easily, and who knows maybe Paige would have said yes.

"Urgg I'm so stupid!" Walter yelled.


Finally after hours of driving, Walter finally arrived at the hotel he had booked for him and Linda. Although the thought of Paige with another man was very discomforting, he found it comforting to know that he had booked a room with two separate beds. But after the 8 hour drive he really needed a coffee, suddenly all of his thoughts vanished when he saw Paige sitting on a couch in the lobby. Damn she's beautiful. How could I let her go? He thought. Finally his mind registered that it looked like she was sitting by herself. Perfect, I don't have to deal with Tim. He thought. Walter ran into the lobby faster than he had ever run before.

"Paige!" He screamed.


Paige was lost in thought thinking about a certain genius when she hears his voice scream her name.

"Walter?" She says turning around not believing her ears, but sure enough it's him. Walter O'Brien is running towards her. "Walter? Walter what are you doing here?" She says when he finally reaches her.

"I uh I needed to talk to you." He said breathlessly.

A/N: Okay I know this was a really short chapter, and I promise the others will be longer, and I know I ended it on a cliffhanger but don't worry I have many ideas of how to continue this. Okay well hope you enjoyed, and see you in the next chapter.

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