Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

Chapter 4:

Few hours later, the team had returned from the case, Toby went home, so did Cabe and Sylvester, and of course Happy. But as promised Paige was still at the garage taking care of Walter. She had called Ralph's sitter and told her that if she wasn't home by 7:00, then to bring Ralph over to the garage. Walter was hoping she wouldn't leave; he wanted to spend more time with his two favourite people, Paige and Ralph. They were the most important people in his life.

"Okay here are the pain meds and some water. Do you want soup for dinner?" Paige asked as she handed him the water and the meds.

"Uh sure." Walter said as he retrieved the meds from her hand, he made sure that their hands connected for more than two seconds, and Paige smiled. He really was trying. Just as she turned to leave Walter grabbed her hand, "Paige." He said.

"Yes Walter?" She responded.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything." He said as he looked into her eyes. She smiled and walked away. He quickly swallowed the pill and walked over to the kitchen to see if Paige needed any help. But he didn't enter right away because she was softly singing and he loved it when she sang, her voice is so amazing he could listen to her for hours. Suddenly Paige turned around and almost dropped the bowl.

"Walter? W-what are you doing? How long have you been standing there?" She asked.

"Oh not long. I just came to see if you needed any help with anything." He responded smiling.

"Uh okay well here is your soup. Do you want to eat here at the table or on the couch?" She asked.

"Uh here is fine." He responded taking both of their bowls and placing them on the table.

"Thank you Walter."


A few hours later it was almost 6:00 and Walter and Paige were talking on the couch. Finally Paige said something Walter really needed to hear, "Walter?"

"Hmm?" He responded.

"I think you're ready." She said loudly enough for her to get his attention.

"Huh? Ready for what?" He responded.

"For an us. As long as you still want that, because I know I still do." She said looking into his eyes.

"Wait really? Uh I mean yes I do still want that. I have always wanted that and I'm so sorry it took me so long to realize it. But Paige I-I do really love you." He said.

"I know you do Walter. I love you too." She said softly.

"Paige?" He said.

"Yes Walter?" She said smiling.

"Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?" He asked. She smiled and kissed him. When they finally pulled away, both of them were smiling.

"I would love to Walter." She said with a big smile on her face as she snuggled into his arm while he turned on the TV and kissed her head.

About an hour later they heard a knock on the door. "That must be Ralph's sitter." She said as she got up. Walter being very protective followed closely behind.

"Oh Paige one more question." He asked.

"Yes?" She responded.

"A-are we going to tell Ralph?" He asked.

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