Chapter 5

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I think us Waige shippers need a bit of cheering up after those sneak peaks. So please enjoy this super cute adorable chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

Chapter 5:

That night when Walter went to bed, he was worried. The next day he would be going on a date with Paige Dineen. The one woman he has ever loved, but he had no idea how to make the date perfect. It had to be perfect. It's not like he had never been on dates before, it's just that he had never loved anyone and had never felt the need for his date to be perfect.

"Oh boy." He said softly to himself. Suddenly he got an idea and quickly made sure that everything would be perfect. Finally at around two in the morning he made himself go to sleep. He needed to have had sufficient amount of sleep so he wouldn't fall asleep on his date.


At around 6:00 Walter left the garage in his nicest clothes and went to pick up Paige. She had called multiple times trying to find out where they were going to be going that night. And every time she called, he always responded by telling her to wear something fancy. However he did not expect her to look as amazing as she did when she opened the door to her apartment.

Walter stood there for a few moments looking at her speechlessly and trying to figure out what to say. "Wow. Paige you look a-astonishing." He finally said to her. She was wearing a black sequined dress that went down to her knees.

"You don't look so bad yourself Mr. O'Brien." She said to the tux wearing genius.

"Oh uh t-thanks." He responded just as Ralph ran to the door, with his babysitter following closely behind. "Oh hi Ralph. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay." The small genius responded.

"Oh Walter we should get going, we don't want to miss our reservation." Paige said to him.

"Oh uh right." He responded. "Bye Ralph." He said to the small genius, then in a softer voice he added, "Maybe I'll convince your mom to let you come to the garage tomorrow. Okay?" The small genius responded with a big smile on his face.

"Okay bye Ralph. I want you sleeping by the time I get home okay?" She said and he nodded. "Thank you again for watching him" Paige said to Katie.

"Of course. I'll see you later." She replied. Paige and Walter then walked out of the condo and closed the door. Walter took her hand and intertwined their fingers together. Paige looked up at him and smiled.

"Walter would you like to tell me where we are going now?" Paige asked as Walter opened the car door for her.

"Oh you'll see shortly." He responded as he started to drive. Finally after a few minutes of anticipation they got to the restaurant. Paige with her mouth slightly opened in astonishment looked at him.

"Walter? How did you know?" She asked.

"Oh uh I remember you mentioning that you wanted to try this place, but you couldn't get reservations." He responded.

"Walter I said that in the van after a hard mission over a year ago. And how did you get reservations?" She asked already knowing the answer.

"Oh uh I-I m-might have hacked into their bookings. It wasn't very secure, the password was 123a." He said as he nervously scratched his head.

"Well thank you Walter." She responded.

"Your welcome. A-are you ready to go inside now?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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