Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own Scorpion, CBS does.

Chapter 3:

A few days later, Toby was still distraught, and after many more efforts Happy still wouldn't talk to anyone about her big reveal. It was Wednesday and Paige and Walter weren't getting anywhere with Happy or Toby. So far it had been a very quiet week filled with paper work and individual projects. Finally Cabe came in with a case.

"Guys put away your personal relationship issues! I've got a case." Cabe yelled as he walked through the door. Grudgingly Toby and Happy made their way to the table but stood on opposite ends. Paige and Walter stood in the middle and Sylvester was in between Paige and Happy. "Okay so this case should be easy, all I need you to do is find out who out of these three suspects is robbing this bank. And this has a three hour deadline so all of you better get working now!" Cabe yelled as he made his way over to Paige. As everyone headed to their desks to start working Cabe pulled Paige into the kitchen. "So how is everyone doing?" he asked.

"Uh well Walter and I haven't made any progress with Happy or Toby." Paige responded.

"Wait hold on, you and Walter are working together?" Cabe asked

"Um yes why is that so surprising?" She asked.

"Well on Friday he sent you to Tahoe with Tim, and seemed pretty heartbroken because he had just lost his one true love, and the only woman other that his sister that he has ever loved. Although in this context Megan doesn't really count." Cabe replied.

Paige smiled and said, "You know he did seem pretty desperate when he chased me all the way to Lake Tahoe." Cabe raised his eyebrow, "It's uh a long story. But let's just say our current relationship is a lot better than Happy and Toby's"

"Well I guess that's comforting" Cabe said sighing. 

"Guys I think I figured out who the robber is!" Toby shouted from the other side of the garage. Everyone rushed over to his desk while he explained why it is the second suspect. "So basically since he and his wife just found out they were having an unexpected baby, he freaked out because they don't have lots of money to support said baby, so he figured he could use his minor hacking skills and steal money from the bank a little bit at a time." Toby said to the group.

"Okay Toby that makes sense. Now we just need to find out where he is, and arrest him." Walter responded.

"I'm already on it!" Sylvester said while he ran to his computer. "Okay I got it! He is currently at the baby store. But we need to hurry we don't know when he is going to leave!"

"Everyone get your stuff and hop in the van now!" Cabe yelled as he tossed the keys to Happy. Everyone ran as fast as they could and got in the van. Happy drove as fast as she could and got to the baby store in record time. Cabe and Walter got out of the car and set out to find the criminal. Suddenly the rest of the team was very alert when they heard Cabe yelling at Walter and telling him to run and chase him.

"Cabe? What happened?" Paige asked frightfully.

"I'll explain later but right now, Happy you need to follow Walter! We cannot let this guy get away." Cabe said as he proceeded to chase after Walter.


"Hey! Get back here!" Walter said as he chased the man down the streets of L.A. Suddenly Walter ran into a barrel and fell on some really sharp wire. "Ugh damn it!" He said as he tried to stand up. Thankfully he heard a van stop right in front of the man and he saw Cabe running at him. He also saw a very worried Paige jump out of the van.

"Walter are you okay? Your face is bleeding and it looks like you have wire in your side. We need to get it out before it gets infected." Paige said to him.

Thankfully they heard Toby run towards them with his first aid kit. "Okay so what is going on here?" He asked.

"He has some scratches on his face which just needs to be cleaned up, but I need you to take the wire out of his side. It looks pretty deep." Paige said to Toby.

"Okay and while I do that could you just wipe his face with the disinfectant clothes. We don't want that to get infected either." Toby responded to Paige.

"Sure." She said taking the cloth from him as she proceeded to wipe his face. She saw him make a face when Toby pulled out the wire from his side.

"Okay Walt, you should be fine, I have cleaned the area and it doesn't look like the wire pierced anything or caused anything to severe." Toby said to Walter as he cleaned up his medical stuff and went back to the van. Paige helped Walter stand up and he leaned on her while clutching his side.

"Are you okay Walter?" Paige asked concerned.

"Well I have had worse injuries, so in the long term I should be fine." He responded trying to calm her down.

"Well that's true about the injuries, but what about the short term Walter? Are you okay right now?" She asked still concerned.

"Well I am still in a bit of pain but that will fade soon enough." He said trying to be as honest about his emotions as possible.

"Okay well when we get back to the garage I will give you some pain meds."

"O-okay" Walter responded as Paige helped him into the van.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this chapter. But I am starting to get super busy at school so I apologize if updates don't come very quickly but I will try my very best, and don't forget that if I don't update, I haven't forgotten about this story I am just busy and I will get to it as soon as I can. So as always please review this story! I love hearing what you think! Okay see you in the next chapter!

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