Chapter 1

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A month. That's how long it's been since Mitch disappeared. And it was completely my fault. No one has heard from him or seen him since the night I told him I couldn't marry him. Kirstie is trying very hard not to let me slip into my very serious form of depression, but there isn't much she can do. When I am alone, I wonder how I could have lost him, only a couple of weeks after getting him back. He survived a coma and we were finally going to be happy, and then I ruined it. I still live in our shared house, hoping that he will come back one day. So far, he hasn't. Today, May 14th, I am sitting, talking to Kirstie with Wyatt in my lap.

"So, you guys set a date?" I ask, referring to her and her fiancé. I try as hard as possible to sound excited.

"Mhm! Also, I wanted to ask you something?"

"What's up?"

"Will you walk me down the aisle? You're my best friend." I smile genuinely and nod. She grins and hugs me. "You know what you need?" Mitch. I think.


"A vacation. And I just decided that I'm taking you one one. Just me and you and Beyoncé." As much as I hate to admit it, the idea sounds extremely pleasing.

"Won't Avi be upset? You know, because you're his fiancée and I'm a guy?"

"You're literally as straight as your spine." I laugh. "I wouldn't worry about it."


We decide that we are going to drive across the country to North Carolina and spend a week at Emerald Isle. After spending nearly a month going nowhere except school and home, a change of scenery sounds nice, especially if that's what we get to see. Avi, being the magician that he is, helps us get the trip set up in under two weeks. By this point, I am seriously considering dropping out of school and just starting again next year, or not at all. The only thing it's doing to me is adding extra stress.

"Are you still planning on pursuing music?" Kirstie asks me.

"Not particularly."

"What are you planning on doing?"

"I have no idea. All I can focus on is Mitch." I say, my sadness growing again.

"No. You cannot be sad right now. We're about to go on an amazing vacation."

"Okay, I'll try to be happy."

"Just get ready. Tomorrow we're leaving to be in a car for three days and at the beach for seven." She plops down on my bed while I turn toward my closet to grab my suitcase. I glance over my shoulder when she gasps.

"I just had a great idea."

"Should I be scared?"

"No. I'm going to set you up with my friend."

"Absolutely not!" I shout, turning around furiously.

"Going on a date will be the best way for you to get over your heartbreak."

"There's no way I'm going on a date."

"Yes you are. I'm texting him right now."


"No need to thank me now. Just thank me later."

"Don't hold your breath. When are you setting us up for?" I ask, giving in, realizing there is nothing I can do to stop her.

"Tonight at 7:00."

"Kirstie!" I whine.

"I'll pack for you. I know what you wear. Go get ready. You have to be at Red Lobster hour and a half."

"Can you at least show me a picture and tell me his name?" I say, already taking off my shirt to change into a nicer one. She extends her phone toward me and I see the name Jeremy Lewis. My breath catches a little when I see him, and I decide that he will be an nice distraction from missing Mitch.


Jeremy and I meet and immediately hit it off. He tells me that his most recent relationship ended very badly. They had been engaged and ready to get married when he found out that his fiancée had been cheating on him for four years.

"Her name was Veronica." He chuckles a little. "If couldn't tell, I'm bi." I smile in return, not exactly sure what to say. When I look at him, all I can think of is Mitch. It's only been one month, and he could still show up, and then I will regret ever going on a date with anyone. But at the same time, it is also possible that he will never show his face again. It is possible that I will never see him again, and that thought hurts so much that I push it away. "Hey, are you okay?" I blink a couple times, realizing that he had been talking to me the whole time I zoned out.

"Yeah, sorry. Just thinking." He smiles, a gesture that lights up his whole face, and holds my gaze for a few seconds before speaking again.

"So, Kirstie told me a little bit about Mitch. That was his name right?" I force myself to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Yeah." I bounce my leg nervously, unsure of how much Kirstie had told Jeremy about me and Mitch.

"How close were you two?"

"I've never been closer to anyone in my life than I was to him." I can't bring myself to say more, and luckily he doesn't ask. Through the whole night I feel a heavy sensation of guilt that I am on a date, and it's not with Mitch. Finally, we are ready to leave, and Jeremy offers to drive me home, since Kirstie dropped me off. When we pull into my driveway, I randomly blurt out, "Do you want to come in?" My cheeks turn red and I want to go hide under a rock. Like Patrick Star. He has life easy.

"Sure." And then I am leading a new guy into mine and Mitch's house, and it feels wrong. Somehow we end up chatting over a glass of wine, and then several more. I still feel fairly sober, but Jeremy is beyond tipsy. In a lapse of judgement, I ask to take him to my bedroom, and in his drunken state, he gladly agrees. He slams his lips against mine, pushing me back against the wall behind me. As guilty as I feel, I feel equally as desperate to drown out my ongoing sadness. I let Jeremy kiss me, and eventually I feel myself reciprocating. He is clearly very strong, because he picks me up, my legs now around his waist, and lands us on my bed. He is straddling me. He pins my arms above my head and pulls my shirt off. That is when I stop him. At first, he looks mad, but then he seems to sober up a bit and starts stuttering apologies, getting out of the bed immediately. He insists on going home, but I advise him not to drive with the amount of alcohol he had, so he sleeps on the couch. After he is gone from my bedroom, I turn off the lights and bury myself under the covers on my bed. I find my phone and pull up a picture of me and Mitch. The sight makes me so sad that I begin sobbing hysterically, seemingly unable to stop. 'Why did I think I could go on a date?' I think to myself, wondering if Jeremy can hear my emotional breakdown from the living room. Eventually, my tears stop coming and turn into dry sobs. It makes me so tired that I can't help but fall asleep.

A/N again was it?

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