Chapter 18

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After a five  hour card match, Mitch and I go home. When I ask him if he wants to go to bed, he says no and heads for the couch.

"I'm gonna change and then I'll be back out, okay?"

"Mhm." he says as he collapses onto the couch, pulling a pillow under his head. After changing into a tank top and sweatpants, I go back out to the living room and find Mitch asleep and Family Guy on. A blanket that seems to have appeared out of nowhere is draped over him, and he looks so peaceful that I don't want to disturb him, so I sit on the floor in front of the couch and lean back against it.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you, too." he mumbles back, cracking his eyes open. "Get up here." I lay behind him, squeezing into the small space between his back and the back of the couch. "How much do you love me?"

"Enough to regret saying no. Enough to marry you right now."

"Is that a proposal?" he mumbles with a joking tone.

"It is now." He turns over a little to look at me. "Mitch, will you marry me?" He leans up to kiss me and when he pulls back, he says, "Yes."


1 year later

I stand with my arm around Mitch with a sign behind us that says, 'Newlyweds!'. We pose for the camera, both of our smiles completely genuine. When the cameraman rushes away, he pulls me down to kiss him and says, "How did I get this lucky?" Before I can answer, Avi and Kirstie's daughter, Annalise, runs over and hugs us. Stephanie walks over with her son, Richard, in her arms, and Avi and Kirstie show up quickly. Jackson is right behind them.

"Come here, Annalise." Kirstie says, picking up her daughter. Avi comes to stand between her and me and quietly congratulates me. Stephanie hands Richard to me when I ask for him and says, "I'm so happy for you two." She kisses my cheek before taking the baby and walking away with Jackson again. A few seconds later, Todrick and Kevin, mine and Mitch's neighbors and recent friends, walk over to us.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Todrick says, bouncing excitedly.

"Me too." Kevin says, draping and arm over Todrick's shoulders.

"Y'all are so cute." Mitch says, grinning.

"Not as cute as you guys." Kevin says. "Oh, Scott, your mom is paging you." I look around them and see my mom waving frantically at me.

"Come on." I say, lacing my fingers with Mitch's and smiling when the cold band of metal on his finger touches my hand.

"How's the groom doing?" my mom asks.


"Perfect." We answer at the same time, our words tripping over each other, causing my mom to laugh as she pulls us both into a hug.

"Gotta say, Scott, when I imagined this day, I never imagined I would be standing in front of my second son-in-law, but I sure am happy about it." She pats Mitch's cheek and goes to find my dad.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you, too." Mitch says, putting his arms around my neck as he raises himself onto his toes to kiss me.


1 year later

I keep my eyes on the road despite Mitch's whimpering cries.

"Mitch." I say, gaining his attention. I offer my hand to him and he grabs it tightly. "Why are you so worried?"

"I-I'm scared that he won't like us."

"I don't know about me, but I know he'll like you. Any kid would be stupid to not like you as a dad."

"But what if he doesn't? What if he hates us and runs away? What if he wants to reverse the adoption? That's happened before, you know."

"Yes, I'm aware. It happened to me. Remember?"

"Oh. Right." he says quietly, playing with my hand a little as he continues. "What if he's homophobic and hates us because of that?"

"He's only six. He probably doesn't even know what homophobic means."

"What if he does?" he asks urgently, causing me to glance away from the road to meet his gaze briefly.

"Then he wasn't meant to be our son. That's all that that means. And if something happens, we both know that it will hurt like hell, but we both know how to move past painful things. We've both done it in our own ways, and we've always done it together. If something happens with the adoption, then we'll deal with it the same way we've dealt with everything else in our lives: together."


"We're here."

"I can see that." He grips my hand a little tighter, and I turn my head to look over at him. "Can you tell I was crying?"

"Not at all. You're as gorgeous as ever." I run my thumb over his cheek before saying, "Ready?" When we are waiting to meet the young boy, Charlie, I kiss Mitch as a sign of reassurance. I look around the room, wondering how one place could stay the same for twenty years. I remember standing there on the day that my second set of parents sent me back to the center and crying. It seemed bigger then. I remember standing in that room, shy and scared, when Connie and Rick Hoying showed up and wanted to arrange a meeting with me. I remember instantly falling in love with them. I remember seeing Stephanie and falling in love with her, too. I had no idea then that this is what my life would turn out to be. I am distracted from my thoughts when Ms. Suzie herself walks into the room with a little boy and his blanket trailing behind her. As soon as he sees us, he smiles and runs over to Mitch, hugging his legs tightly. Over the sound of my pounding heart, I can hear his small voice say, "I love you, Daddies."


The series is over and I'm actually getting a little emotional over it. How was it? This was my first series so I hope y'all enjoyed it! Goodbye!

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