Chapter 11

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I don't know what to do with myself when my own story is recommended to me.

Kirstie helps me fix up my hair and pick out an outfit before we head over to Alex's house. Nerves dance in my stomach as I tug at the hem of my shirt, watching the plametto trees and colorful beach houses zip by.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Kirstie asks from the driver's seat, catching my attention.

"Everything. Mitch, Alex, life in general." I think back to less than a year ago when I had full on depression that sprouted from abandonment, and how, once Mitch and I had started to move forward in our relationship, that depression went away. I stopped having to take my medicine and I was finally completely happy. Then he said the three most important words of my life to me, and I gave him the wrong answer. Now he's gone. And it's completely my fault. "Babe, we're here." I look at the expansive bright blue house at the end of the driveway we are parked in and see two young girls who appear to be twins run up to the inside of the glass front door. Alex appears behind them, flashes a smile and waves. One of the little girls' eyes go wide and she sprints out to the car, knocking on Kirstie's window and waving excitedly.

"Kit! Kit!" she shouts, bouncing up and down. Kirstie swings her door open and gets attacked with a hug from both girls.

"Hey, hey, I know they say to kill em with kindness, but don't actually kill her." Alex says, jogging across the yard toward us. He meets my eyes for a second before turning back to Kirstie and the two girls.

"Scott, meet Briton and Livia."


When we are sitting around the table, I see Alex's dad quietly talking to him. They are both glancing at me, and then back at each other. Kirstie and Alex's stepmom are talking to each other, and all four of his sisters are keeping themselves occupied with each other. I am sitting in silence, pushing at my food and feel uncomfortable. Alex reaches across the table and grabs my hand.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask, heat rushing to my cheeks as his dad bites back a smile.

"You just seem sad. Do you want to go outside for a bit? You won't mind, right family?" There is a quiet chorus of 'no's and we head out to his back deck. Kirstie shoots me a small smirk before continuing her conversation with his stepmom. Outside, it feels just like mine and Kirstie's house. The wind is constant and warm and filled with the smell of salt. The porch drops off to a dune that leads directly to the beach. The sound of the waves calms me down instantly and I sit in a chair next to where Alex is and he hesitantly laces our fingers together. When I don't resist, he leans over to lay his head on my shoulder.

"I'm happy you came back." he says.

"We're going back home after tomorrow."

"Do you think we'll ever see each other again?"

"That depends. Do you want to?"

"Of course I do."

"It's beautiful out here." I say, changing the subject.

"Yeah. It is. Hey, the sun's still up, wanna go down to the beach? I'll make sure the ocean doesn't take you." He picks his head up to look at me with a smile.

"Sure, why not."

"Let me tell them." He jumps up and pokes his head through the door to tell everyone that we're going down. When he comes back, he pulls his shirt off and runs down to the edge of the water. I follow skeptically, not wanting to go farther than ankle deep. Alex pulls me out farther, so that the water is up to my waist. He opens his mouth to speak, but at that moment, an enormous wave crashes into us, pushing me down to the bottom and slamming my face against the sand. I stand up coughing, wiping sand off of my stinging face.

"Are you okay?" Alex says, hugging me tightly when he sees how nervous I am.

"Sure." I try to make my voice stop shaking. We are silent for a few seconds before I hear him quietly whisper, "Can I kiss you?"

"Please." He presses his lips to mine and my arms find their way around his neck. Before it gets too deep, I faintly hear, "Yes, queens, I've been waiting!" I pull away and turn to see Kirstie wading toward us.

"Why do you always show up?" Alex calls, laughing as I bury my face in his neck, cheeks burning.

"Because I'm everywhere." She walks up to us and says, "Scott, we need to go home."

"Um, why?"

"Because I feel extremely nauseous."

"So that's why you ventured out into the ocean?" Alex asked, eyes wide and grabbing her shoulder.

"Shut up. Scott, come on." She grabs my hand and starts pulling me away from Alex, but stops to double over, holding her stomach tightly with her arms.

"Hey, you okay?" She collapses onto her knees and lets out a short scream. "Oh, God." I pick her up and run back to the shore as she starts screaming loudly and crying. Alex runs up next to us.

"Kit?" She is still holding her stomach, and she is screaming bloody murder. I set her down on the sand and her screams get louder, so I pick her up again, completely unsure of what to do. I notice Alex call 911, and they show up within two minutes. I watch as they take Kirstie from me and put her in the ambulance, still screaming and crying in pain, and drive away.

"What the hell just happened?" Alex asks, hugging me tightly.

"I don't know."

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