Chapter 12

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Hey, double today because I'm not at school. This chapter is way more serious than the rest of them have been. Trigger warning: mention of rape.


Alex and I sit side by side in the waiting room, and the situation starts to feel to familiar to when Mitch went into a coma. I have Alex's hand clenched tightly in my own and his head is resting on my shoulder.

"W-what if something happened with the baby?" I ask quietly.

"I'm sure she's fine. It was probably just a weird hormonal thing." he says, but he does not sound sure. A commotion at the end of the hall catches everyone's attention as someone is hurriedly wheeled in on a gurney. When I see his face, my heart stops.



"It's Mitch. That's Mitch."


I start to run after the gurney, but I am held back by several people, whom I shove out of the way. I stop fighting against them when Security shows up and threatens to "remove me from the premises".

"What the hell?" I say to myself, pacing around the building outside.

"Excuse me, sir?" a man asks, walking through the ER doors and coming toward me. I look over at him but don't answer. "It is clear that you know Mr. Grassi. Do you mind answering a few questions for me?" He shows me a badge that says Emerald Isle Police Department on it.

"Uh, sure."

"This will only take a few minutes." I nod. "Are you aware that Mr. Grassi was recently abducted by two of the most highly wanted sexual predators of Miami?"

"N-no sir." The thought makes me sick.

"Is there any way you can give us the exact date that he went missing?"

" was April twenty-something."

"Were you with him the night he went missing?"


"Can you give me a location?" I try to remember if Mitch said where we were, but he never did.

"Um, somewhere around three hours outside of New York City. I'm not sure where it was."

"Okay, thank you very much. Can you please give me your name?"

"Scott Hoying."

"Alright, Mr. Hoying, I'll get you added to his visitation list."

"Thank you." He walks away, leaving me alone again until I go back into the hospital and sit down next to Alex again. After about half an hour, someone comes over to me and says, "Mr. Grassi has requested to see you." My heart skips several beats and I follow her back, using every ounce of will I have not to run. She leaves me alone once I get to the door and it takes me a few seconds to make myself go in. When I see Mitch laying in the bed, eyes open, I start sobbing hysterically.

"Scott." He jumps out of the bed and runs over to me, hugging me so tightly that I feel like I am going to break. So many emotions are flowing through me that I find myself unable to speak. He kisses me forcefully, and I feel all of my worries and fears about him melt away. He puts his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist, letting me hold him. "Scott." He keeps repeating my name.

"How...what...I-" He lets his legs drop and takes a small step back so I can see his face and he can see mine. "I love you." I finally say.

"I love you too."

The Story of Scömìche Part 3 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now