Chapter 5

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Why am I currently trying to learn French, Japanese, and German at the same time?

I wait for Mitch to say something else, still too shocked to think coherently enough to speak. Instead, the line goes quiet, the steady, small hum indicating that he hung up.

"Wait. Mitch! No!" I scream, earning glares and odd looks from the people around me. I could care less. I yank the phone away from my ear, staring at the call time. I try to call the number back, but after six rings and no voicemail, my sudden rush of energy drains out of me and I start to sob hysterically. I slam the phone screen down against the table, listening to the crack that tells me that the screen is now close to shattered. Alex watches me have a breakdown, seemingly unsure of what to do, until I grab my destroyed phone and sprint out of the restaurant.

"Wait, Scott." he calls after me, but I don't stop. I get into Kirstie's car and drive away as quickly as possible. Weaving in and out of traffic, I get back to the house in under ten minutes, somehow managing not to wreck.

"Kirstie!" I scream as I climb the stairs to the door. She materializes on the deck, her hair up in curlers and half her face made up.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" She opens her arms and I collapse against her, nearly knocking her over with our height difference. I start sobbing again, thinking about Mitch, missing him desperately, wondering why I could only hear his voice for three seconds before he was gone again. Kirstie tries to lead me into the house, and I follow her shakily.


I sit on the couch, staring straight ahead, hearing Mitch's words in my head over and over again.

"Scott, what happened?" Kirstie asks me for the sixth time. "Was it Alex?" I shake my head slightly. "Then what was it?" I take a deep breath and try to explain what happened.

"M-" I can't even say his name. Instead, I close my eyes and lean against her, letting my head fall on her shoulder. She takes that as a cue to put her arm around my shoulder. I nearly fall asleep, but her phone jerks me awake. She silences it, and I say, "You can answer it. I'm fine." I sit back up.

"I would. I didn't recognize the number." My eyes widen and I grab the phone from her. I quickly answer the phone. Mitch's voice drifts through.

"Kit?" he says quietly.

"It's me." I say, trying to keep my voice from breaking. Kirstie gives me a questioning look. "Where are you?"

"Does it matter?" I stand up and leave the room, leaving Kirstie alone and confused. I lock myself into my bedroom and repeat, "Where are you?"

"Nowhere near you." There is a rustling sound in the background and he says, "I have to go." He hangs up before I can say anything else.

"Fuck." I say, rolling onto my stomach and burying my face in my pillow.

"Scott?" Kirstie knocks lightly on my door. When I don't respond, she takes it upon her self to come in and sit on my back. "Hey, babe. What if we just go out to the beach and relax?"

"Okay." I say, my voice muffled by my pillow.



"Okay. I'm gonna go change. Later, we can go out and you can get a new phone since yours is completely destroyed and no longer working."

"Okay." She hops off my back and I pull myself up to change. Nowhere near you. He sounded spiteful. I repeat his limited words in my head as I change into my shorts. After I am coated in sunscreen, I step out of my bedroom through the door that leads directly to the wrap around porch. I lean against the railing and stare down into the pool. In theory, I could just jump into there. Then I wouldn't have to worry about Mitch all the time. I stand up straight again, focusing my gaze on a small snake in the grass next to the pool.

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