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I feel the horror rushing through my veins. I can't scream so nobody can save me. I feel myself being dragged somewhere but I'm not sure where until I hear someone shout.

"Let her go or I am calling the police!" The voice says

I couldn't quite place the voice. Nonetheless the person holding me does not let go.

"I swear to god I'll call the police! Let her go!" The voice shouts again.

Im still not set free.

"Call the police it still won't help her"

I feel cold metal against my neck, a knife. Great. What's going to happen now? I'm going to die or be raped or be kidnapped and tortured. All I wish in this moment is that someone will save me but who would have the courage for that? Most people wouldn't. You call the police, he'll slit my neck. You try to pry me from him, god knows what would happen. Pretty much any plan ends in disaster. Most people at this point would probably walk away and I wouldn't blame them. What are they supposed to do?

"LET HER GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" The voice screams again.

What is this person doing? Are they crazy they are going to get themselves killed!

I hear quick footsteps and feel the knife drop to the ground and as it does it cuts my arm as I wasn't wearing the jacket I had grabbed. I winced slightly at the pain. I hear a punch and a few grunts and I feel the arms that were once wrapped around me let go an I see one man on the ground with a black eye and a bloody nose and one man wih a couple of scratches on him. I assume the man on the ground is the one who was attempting to take me and that the one still standing was the man who saved me. I examine the man standing up and quickly realize who it is.

"I-its you again! Dan! How did you save me? What did you do? How can I repay you? You saved me from whatever that man was going to do! How did you do that?!" I ramble on and am quickly interrupted with two arms wrapping around me and I hug him back. "Thank you" I mumble into his chest. He pulls away.

"We exited the store not too long after you did and we saw you being dragged into the alley. I couldn't have forgiven myself if I didn't do something. Do you want me to walk you home?" He states explaining what all happened.

"Well I wouldn't want to cause you anymore trouble. I don't live too far-" he cuts me off

"No I insist let me walk you home please" he says

"Well ok" I say seeing that he was not going to take no for an answer "My flat is this way" I point.

"So what do you do for a living?" he asks me.

"Well I work at Starbucks but that's only because I am in school getting a degree in music and teaching because I want to be a music instructor" I explain to him.

"Wow I tried university but dropped out." Dan replied

"Yeah, I know" I giggle a bit hoping not to sound too creepy.

"So since you are getting a degree in music I assume you play an instrument?" He asks

"Yeah I actually play 12 instruments" I reply hoping not to sound too full of myself although that is an acheivement I am proud of. You see I started learning instruments young and added more because as a music instructor you need to play as many instruments as possible.

"Wow what do you play?" He questions.

"Well oboe, French horn, guitar, saxophone, ukulele, piano, trumpet, clarinet, baritone, flute, drums, and bass guitar. Its really not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal? All I play is piano and I play it very mediocre like." He replies

"You play piano way better than I do. I've heard you play in your live shows and things." I say truthfully.

"I doubt it." He says looking at his feet

"Trust me. I can barely coordinate both of my hands to move together while playing!" I admit.

"Well I've had a lot of practice because I have no life. Hey look there's my flat building" he points to the building that I have stopped at.

"No way this is my flat building too, how have we never seen each other?" I question

"I'm not sure what is your flat number?" He asks

"4D" I reply

"I'm 6F" He answers my unasked question.

"Well then maybe you can teach me how to coordinate both of my hands to play the piano sometime." I say jokingly

"Its a date!" He replys.

"Well I better be going. My flat mate really needs this cereal!" I giggle then realize that I no longer have the bag in my hand. "Well great I must've dropped it in the alleyway. Whatever she can live until tomorrow. Thanks, for everything. I really appreciate it." I say about to walk away

"Wait!" Dan calls "Can I get your phone number?" He asks.

"Sure!" I say and type in the number into his phone. I wave goodbye and try my best to hide my fangirling and head to my flat.


897 words longest one yet! I'm going to try to keep them about this long but can't promise anything as I am not the best writer and don't really know how to elaborate. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As of right now I have no reads on it but idk maybe future Rae will come back to this chapter and be like "we have 15 reads guys!" Ha I don't expect to get many reads on this as I am probs going to be unnoticed in the sea of Dan Howell fanfictions. So yeah bye guys thanks for reading if you got this far! Also I've read 2 whole 3 book series on Wattpad today they are both by avengethecaptain and are sending me on a rollercoaster man its the Save Me From Myself series and the 6AM series so if you want good Dan Howell fan fiction I would recommend those or my absolute favorite on which is Louder by Hanisnotonfire07 so yeah I'm rambling on again. BYE!

Yo its future Rae I came through and just edited all of this like a month later lol yeah I made so many typos I can't believe the grammar police didn't come through. There is still probably hundreds of typos but that ok I guess I'm about to write chapter 3 lol I haven't been in the mood for writing, I've been dealing with some personal stuff but you guys don't want to hear about that. Most of you probably haven't even read this authors note so yeah BYE FOR REAL THIS TIME

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