sweet bliss

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We're sitting in demi's room working on the project it isn't really that hard all we had to do is pick an element and discuss it and what it does.  Since I'm really not good at writing reports demi agreed to do that part and I did the graphs we we're almost done when her phone goes off.  She groans and looks at the caller I'd.  " who is it Demi" " it's Joe she says with a discusted look.  " oh well aren't you going to answer it I say a little disappointed cause I really don't want to leave and I want to spend more time with demi.  I don't under stand it but I love being with demi every time I'm around her I get these butterfly's in my stomach and I like it.  I think I like her more then a friend but I would never tell her cause I don't want to scare her off cause what if she doesn't feel the same. Plus she has a boyfriend she's straight she could never have feelings like that for me.  Plus she's popular and I'm just a nobody.  She looks at me and smiles " um no he can wait besides I'm having more fun here you want to watch a movie.  " wait really I say confused what about Joe won't he be mad.  " she half smiles yea he might but honestly I really don't care she says as she scoots closer to me and puts her arms around me and cuddles into me.  " I'm enjoying what's going on at the moment she looks me in the eyes witch makes the butterflies come back I love being in her arms it feels so good it feels right.  Besides it's not like he hasn't blown me off for some chick before. That plays in my head some chick and suddenly I feel sad and pull away. " Hey what's wrong Alex did I say something wrong she says concerned and I look back at her and she lookes sad and she's fighting back tears. " Demi look there's something I want to tell you but I don't want to scare you away ok. " say it Alex what ever you have to say will never scare me away. " " ok here it goes demi I........ She puts her hand on mine on my lap and looks me in the eyes " " just say it please " " demi I...... I like you demi I say closing my eyes fear of what's going to happen next.  " I like you too Alex.  I open my eyes and look at her not believing what I'm hearing.  " w....... What did you say.  " I like you too Alex she says and catches me off guard by kissing me once the shock wears of I kiss her back before the kiss got too carried away I gently push her away " what's wrong she says worriedly" " I look at her a little sad remembering what she just said.  " demi I'm not some chick you can mess with cause your boyfriend does it to you. " wait what Alex no no no I swear to you it's not like that at all I really do like you she says shaking her head she goes to reach for my hand I pull away. " I'm sorry demi I gotta go I packed away my stuff and ran out her door and down the stairs I was almost out the door and I heard her following me " WAIT ALEX PLEASE LET ME EXLAIN PLEASE.  she grabbed my arm to turn me around  I pulled away and ran out the door and just kept running. I couldn't stop I really didn't want to hear what she had to say what if she was playing with me trying to make Joe jealous. Of course she is I'm so stupid after all we we're only hanging out because of a project . The only one I can go to is Nicks house after all he's is my only friend.  I knock on his door and it doesn't take long for someone to answer.  " oh it's you looser Joe says" " I roll my eyes where's Nick Joe" " he's in his room.  I push passed him and go up to his room and pushed his door open.  " Don't you know how to knock asshole he says looking up at me when he realized it was me his eyes soften and he quickly apologize " I'm so sorry Alex I thought you we're Joe he gets up from his bed fast to close the door and throws his arms around me and I fall into his embrase and break down crying and shaking in his arms.  " hey Alex what's wrong what happened. " demi happend" " what happened what she do.  " when I eventually calm down I explain to him what happened . " we finished the project and Joe text her but she doesn't answer it because she's with me she told me she liked me and I told her I did to.  " ok so what's the problem he says obviously confused.   She also told me that it's not like Joe blows her off for some chick.  " oh I get it you think  your just some chick to her and she's trying to make Joe jealous.  " um yea and I don't want to be just some chick to her I really like her.  " and how do you know that's not the case with her may be she really does like you back. " I eye him suspiciously Nick do you know something I don't know.  " he chuckles  no I'm just saying may be you should talk to her.  " Yea maybe your right I will talk to her when I'm ready. 

I was trying to avoid demi all day she tried to talk to me but every time she does someone always interupes us.  I'm putting my books in my locker and I dont notice her right behind me until " hi Alex she says clearing her throat can we please talk about yesterday. I turn to look at her and she looks like she's been crying.  Before I can say anything I'm cut off by Joe. " hey honey where have you been I've been looking all over the place for you he kisses her on the cheek.  " why are you talking to this looser he says eyeing me.  She's not a looser she says looking at him with a scowel she's my friend he looked at her all confused and I turn and close my locker and walk away.  " Alex wait please I hear her behind me and I hear Joe" demi where are you going with that looser I didn't hear her response I just kept walking.  "Alex please stop I don't care about what he thinks your not a looser ok please talk to me.  I stop abruptly and she stopped right behind me.  " what to you want demi.  She turned me around " I just want to talk please.  " ok so talk. " ok well you want to go get a coffee with me.  " shure but what about  Joe.  " she grabs my hands and looks into my eyes and smiles actually I would rather be hear with you witch make the butterflies come back .

We ordered our drinks and sit down.  She speaks first.  " look Alex what I said yesterday about Joe ditching me for some other chicks.  I didn't mean it like I was doing that to you I would never do that to you I really do like you.  " yea but there's one problem with that demi that your forgetting.  " oh yea what's that she says confused.  " your still with  Joe.  " yea but I don't want to be with Joe anymore he's a jurk I mean look how he treated you today.  " I get that all the time demi from everyone maybe I am a looser.  " Don't you dare say that about yourself she says on the verge of tears. " your not a looser your beautiful.  Before I could say anything her phone went off.  She looks at it rolling her eyes.  She picks it up " what do you want she spat.  By that I know who it was I get up and leave.  As I'm walking out the door I hear nooo that's none of your dam business we are o.....
but I didn't here the rest I walk out the door and shortly after I hear demi" hey wait up Alex why u leave.  " cause you we're on the phone with Joe I thought you we're going to leave anyways. " she chuckles I would never leave you for that asshole I shouldn't have answered it that was very rude of me and I'm very sorry.  " it's ok demi really. " do you want to come over to my house I just don't want to leave you right now.  I'm really enjoying being with you she says grabbing my hand and biting her lower lip.  She's so hot I think to my self. 

We're laying in her bed cuddling and watching tv . Demi breaks the silence " so I should tell you that me and Joe we're over she says drawing shapes with her index finger and putting light kisses on my shoulder witch feels amazing by the way.  " Wait what I say sitting up witch surprised her.  When did that happen.  " that was the phone call I told him it was over.  " you did really I say shocked and not fully believing what she just said.  " yes she says placing her hand on my cheek and I put mine over hers she puts her other hand on my other cheek and pulls me in for a kiss it starts out sweet and eventually gets heated quickly.  She licks my lower lip asking for entrance witch I grant right away she strattles me with out breaking the kiss and a moan slipped out from the back of my throght witch makes her moan in response.  Our hands start exploring each others body's.  And her hand somehow found it's way underneath my shirt messaging my boob witch made me moan in her mouth.  She smiles into the kiss. We both pull away cause lack of oxygen. "Um demi it's not that I'm not liking what's going on cause I really do, but don't you think we are moving to fast.  She chuckles a little yea I'm sorry she says pecking my lips  again it's just I can't help it you do that to me and when I start I don't know I just can't stop. " it's ok demi I like it to a lot it's just you just broke up with Joe and I don't even know what this is its confusing.  " well I was hoping it ment you we're my girlfriend and I wanted to take you on a date.  " you want to be my girlfriend  . " yes I do what do you say Alex will you be my girlfriend and go on a date with me she says hopeful.  " yes I will demi she tackles me and kisses me all over my face I laugh so hard " ok stop demi she stopped  and looks me in the eyes and slowly leans down to kiss me. This time it doesn't get to heated she lays down beside me and we just stair at each other for a while.  I turn around and she raps an arm around me and she's the big spoon and I'm the little spoon.  Today can't get any better I'm just in bliss right now I can't believe she's my girlfriend.  Nothing can ruin this I just want to stay like this with her forever. We both fell asleep like that.

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