Chapter Twenty-Three

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Clarke couldn't believe Finn had the nerve to show up like that. She had known that he was Aden's biological father. What she didn't know was that he was the cause for Lexa's accident. He had gone crazy after she left him. He had lied about who he was dating. She couldn't forgive that.

Raven was speechless. She hadn't realized how bad he had gotten. Shortly after Clarke left him, she left him too. He was crazy. She had never told anyone this before but he would sometimes hit her. She would always blow it off or forgive him. But then when she ended up at the hospital one night, that was it. While he was gone doing whatever, she packed her things and left town. She discovered the school and went there. One night, Raven got a call saying Finn had died drunk driving. Raven flew over to go to the funeral. He had been great before all this happened.

Lexa looked at where Finn was standing. He had tried to kill her. He was Aden's father. Correction biological father. Lexa thought about this hard and then thought about when she got shot. Titus had said almost the same words as he had. Realization hit Lexa. Titus was being forced to shot her. Finn was blackmailing or something to Titus. Finn wanted her dead because Clarke came to her after she left him. Lexa go up to leave the room.

"Lex? Where are you going?" Clarke was gripping onto Tia and Aden.

"I need to go talk to Titus." Lexa reached the door.

"Can you at least bring a guard with you?" Clarke begged.

"Yes. I can, but I don't think he will hurt me." Lexa waved at an officer.

Lexa rushed down to where Titus worked. She slammed open his door.

"Heda. Your office door was closed so I left." He bowed his head.

"Don't lie to me. Was Finn blackmailing you to shot me?" Titus looked up, guilt in his eyes, "I knew it. How?"

"He told me if I didn't shot you that he would kill me himself and make it look like an accident. I didn't know what to do. So I shot you, in a spot I knew you could most likely heal." Lexa was shocked.

"He...he would kill you if you didn't kill me. Why didn't you tell me this? I could of helped." Titus looked with sorrow.

"He said if I told anyone he would brutally murder Clarke and everyone close to you. I couldn't let that happen." Lexa didn't move.

"So, you risked your life for mine?" She said slowly.

"Yes. I would do anything for you." Titus avoided Lexa's eyes.

"Don't... Ever do that again. Tell me when something like this happens." Lexa approached Titus.

"Yes, Heda." Titus gripped Lexa's hand.

"Thank you." Lexa said barely above a whisper.

Aden was shaking in Clarke's arms. He couldn't believe that it was him again. Also, that he didn't realize who it was. Clarke hugged Aden harder.

"It's okay. You'll never see him again." Clarke whispered in his ear.

"Good." He whispered back.

He snuggled closer to Clarke. When Lexa came back, he ran to Lexa's open arms.

"Good job, my young nightblood." She lifted him up in her arms.

He laughed when he called her that. Lexa started tickling his sides.

"Stop! No stop!" He was laughing.

"Never!" She set him down and started chasing him.

"Watch it!" Raven quickly moved over.

"Sorry, Auntie Raven!" Aden laughed as he ran past her.

Lexa suddenly turned around and chased him the other side. She grabbed him and picked him up over her head. Clarke sat there with Tia laughing. Lexa looked over at her and smiled. She set Aden down so she could go over to Clarke.

"How are you doing?" Lexa sat beside Clarke.

"I've been better. I was just surprised to see him. In the flesh. I thought he had died." Clarke set Tia on the ground.

"I know. We all did. I never expected him to be alive." Lexa shook her head.

"I saw his body, Lex. It looked so real." Clarke looked over at Raven.

"I discovered something. He blackmailed Titus into shooting me. I mean I hated Titus." Lexa looked at Aden.

"Think about Raven. You know, she never told us about how he would beat her. Not until after he died. I could of helped her." Clarke looked sadly at Raven.

"You can't blame yourself, Clarke." Lexa said gently.

"But I can. Think if I had never broken up with him. Think about that." Lexa had no response to that.

"We can't go back in time. We have to live with what we chose." Lexa smiled weakly.

"I know. Plus, I'd never have you guys if I did chose him." Clarke smiled at Aden and Tia playing together.

"We can't chose how someone else ends up." Lexa looked up when Bellamy came in.

"He's away. The police took him. Going to give him a test to see if he's got problems." Aden ran up to him.

Tia followed her older brother. Bellamy caught Aden and then bent down a bit to catch Tia. His eyes full of love and sorrow when he picked the two up. When he looked over at the girls, they saw pain in his eyes. Having to put away one of your best friends was tough. Clarke looked at him knowing how tough this was. Raven had tears in her eyes. Even though he caused nothing but pain to here, he was still her first love. Raven pushed them aside and went to hug Bellamy. Lexa and Clarke got up to join the hug. All of them hugging with the kids squished in the middle.

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