Episode 2: Capture My Flag

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"Welcome back to another exciting episode of Total Drama The Next Generation. There will be fights, family reunions, . . . (sorry guys I can't make a good intro if my life depended on it so you get the idea, maybe I'll come back and fix it another time, but definitely not today) . . . Find out here in this episode of Total. Drama. The Next Generation!"

Theme Song

A huge airhorn sounds which startles everyone awake. An angry Hailey, wearing her pajamas, a facemask and with very knotty hair, storms out of the cabin.
"What the heck was that, Chris? Are you trying to scare us to death or awaken us from the only peace and quiet we get around here?"
"Both," He giggles in response. "I have a special treat for all of you this morning." he continues over the loudspeaker. "We have a few new...guests, today. And, Hailey, are you trying to scare us all to death?"
Hailey becomes aware of her appearance and runs back in the cabin.
All of the campers come out of bed annoyed, rubbing their eyes and heads. "You're blow horn nearly gave me a concussion this morning, Chris." Harry complains.
"Everything almost gives you a concussion, Harris, my friend." Al says as Harry sadly nods in agreement.

"Today 4 more of your friends will be joining us, the first one is quite close with our friend, Conner, over here. Liv and Jenny both look nervous. Liv words to herself 'Not McKenzie' a few times over.
"Hey guys!" Maxine walks over.
"Maxine?" Conner runs up to her and they do a wicked cool handshake.
"Dude! This is soo unprofessional!"
"I thought you said this stuff was too cheesy for you?"
"It is but it looks fun so I changed my mind and came!" Maxine has long black hair with streaks of neon purple, has super pale skin an eyebrow peircing, nose ring, 2 earrings per ear and an ear cuff. She's wearing a spiky anklet, black converse, knee length shorts, and a black hoodie with a large midnight blue glowing heart on the back with a dagger through it.

"We're done with the reunion!" Chris interrupts. "Max, you're on the Rhinos as in, not with Conner. Oh and viewers who don't know, Maxine is Conner's little sister who was born less than a year later.
"Next we have Caroline for the Aardvark's, Sky and Dave's daughter." a girl with shoulder length Black hair wearing a light blue and cream tank and matching leggings cartwheels to her team and then quickly sanitizes her hands after landing.
"Hey!" she cheerfully says.
"Trust me, you're not gonna stay this happy," Liv whispers to her as a piece of advice.
"Now for the boys..." Chris continues. "Jordan! Jaques and Josee's untalented son. You're on the Aardvarks."
"It's Jooor-don, not Jordin." he mimics the Canadian accent. "And yes, it eez true, I cannot catch my poor partner, Rejilla, when I do ze quadruple flip twist back flip while spinning on ze ice. Only on land. I am a disgrace to my whole family." he looks away. (I'm gonna let you imagine what he looks like)
"And for the final add in, we have Cole, the son of everyone's favorite fangirl and her pet, Codierra!" Cole, a scrawny, average heighted kid with dark brown hair and bangs, is pushed off a helicopter.
"Hey guys, and ladies..." he winks at Max who gags.
"I see he followed in his father's footsteps of being in love with a gwen, anyways Cole, it's your lucky day, you're on the Rhinos, with Max."Chris grins evilly. Cole looks very happy while Max facepalms.


This is going to be a looong season now that I'm gonna have this puny dork hanging out with me the whole time. Ugh!


"And before we continue to the regular festivities, somebody here has a little confession to make, Jenny?" Chris continues to everyone's surprise.
"Fine, my mother, Courtney, did actually marry someone from the show... Justin." Everyone gasps at what they're hearing.

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