Episode 3: Skunks Al-A-Mode

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It's the middle of the night and Hailey is sneaking into the Aardvark guy's cabin with a box of spiders and worms and a shaver. She is about to enter the bunk and inflict her wrath upon Freddie when she is startled by Lily who just walked out of the woods.

"What are you doing? What am I doing?" They say at the same time. Lily ditched her plan to shower and goes straight to the Rhino bunk and Hailey quickly follows.

...Back to normal

"Last time on Total Drama The Next Generation: We had some new campers join us, and with the new 4, a family reunion came," (Conner & Max hug scene) "Old sparks rekindled and with that, promises were made," (the Liv & Conner scene) "Others were hurt," (Jenny rage scene) "The wolf got taken down by the sheep who turned out to be just a smaller wolf and not a sheep at a- okay, 1 sec, who even wrote these cards?! The Sheep was a tiny wolf?!?!Seriously?!" (Hailey and Freddie winning scene) Anyway, and secrets were spilled to the unlikeliest of not-friends." (The Cole and Alejandro scene) "Stay here to watch the newest episode to catch up on the thrilliest, spilliest(?) dramaiest(?!) episode yet on Total. Drama. The Next Generation!" as the camera zooms out to view the whole island, Chris is talking to his directors over the phone.

"I want a new script pronto guys! I need it be ready by the end of the episode! If it's still crappy stuff by then, whoever this "script maker" is, I want them fired!" he suddenly becomes aware that the cameras were still rolling on him,

"Oh, before you go, Francis, I want these camera guys fired t-" before he finished speaking the camera guys stop filming the show.

Theme Song

"Good Morning, Campers!" Chris shouts over the loud speaker, "Or should I say, Stinkers?" He laughs maniacally.


The Dining hall is foodless. But stinking worse than usual.

"Where's all the food?" Simon complained.

"And why does it smell worse than usual?" Elizabeth adds.

"Excuse me? What was that, cadet?" Chef yells startling her. He has a breathing mask on.

"N-nothing, sir Chef, sir!" She deadpans.

"That's what I thought!"

Chris shows up with a breathing mask on as well. "Today we will be having skunk themed challenges due to our skunk themed day from our skunk themed sponsors! Stink it up real good and buy edible skunk scented deoderant! To answer Your question abou the food, your first challenge will be an eating challenge! 10 rounds!" everyone looked excited for about a split moment, but it broke once he continued. "All of your meals will be skunk based. First up is easy, the skunk spray jellybean."

Chef hands one out to everyone. They all eat it but almost throw up. "I forgot to mention," Chris smirks "if you throw, up the other team gets to have one person taken out of the next round, based on how many people threw up in the previous round!" He laughs his evil Chris laugh.

Next is skunk spray smoothie. Hailey, Caroline, and Logan all throw up.


Hailey & Alejandro
H: I got the stupid weak stomach gene from our Father
A: is laughing
H: I'm on your team, genius
A: shoot


Hailey, Elizabeth, and Caroline get to sit out the next one which is black and white skunk cookies. No one throws up. Lily seems to be enjoying this one.

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