Part 3

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Lucia is outside Echos door Bellamy is helping the guards*

Echo sighs* what do you want?

Lucia: can we talk.

Echo: roan let you out

Lucia; look the reason I've been a bitch to you is because you replaced me

Echo: I did not replace you. I just got a friend and then you left look it doesn't matter anyway were not twelve.

Lucia: I'm trying to say I'm sorry

Echo: you made my life a living hell for years. People hate me because of you

Lucia: I know.

Echo: I gotta go.

(She's goes in the kitchen where Bellamy  and the guards are)

Josh: hey you okay

Echo: I'm fine

Josh: people are saying

Echo: I don't care what anyone thinks you should know that by now

Josh: you care what Bellamy thinks.

Echo: what?

Josh; I grabbed this before anyone else could I love the 5 drawings of Bellamy

Echo; shut up give me that, and don't touch my things would ya.

Josh smiles* and walks out)

Echo is making some soup *

Roan: nice drawings.

Echo: oh uh thanks.

She grabs the book and closes it putting  it up}

Roan: something smells delicious

Echo: it's just soup.

Roan; ya know not that it matters but you know you can date a sky person if you want.

Echo: excuse me

Roan: I know that was the queens one rule and I'm just saying that's not a rule anymore.

Echo: If I've learned anything it's that loving someone just gets them killed.

Roan: not everyone you love dies.

Echo looks at him*

Roan: okay I see your point but hey you still have your brother and Ashley.

Echo: Roan If you wanna date a sky person that's fine just I'd rather save the person the heart ache.

Roan: save them or save you?

Echo: I don't do relationships and you and I both know why. So just drop it

Roan: I do know one thing. Your scared not that you will get him killed or he will get you killed your scared of the fact that maybe he won't forgive you for betraying him your scared of rejection.

Echo: your wrong. You still don't get it.

Ashley; Echo We need you.

Echo goes with her, what is it?

Luna turns around*

Echo; Luna?

Luna: did you miss me?

Echo hugs Luna *

Clarke: is that Luna

Bellamy: what is she doing here

Clarke: you know each other

Echo: yeah she's my sister.

Octavia: your back

Luna; I'm here for my sister and no one else.

Raven; Clarke you and I both know we need a new heda and you being the closest thing Lexa had to family I think you should choose.

A few hours later*

Clarke : listen up. Recently Lexa died and I think it's time that ice nation and sky people came together and since I'm the closet thing to Lexa I would like to chose her new heda if she would accept

Everyone looks *

Bellamy: it's not Luna again is it

Raven: doubt it

Echo has whiskey in her hand and gives a drink to Bellamy *

Bellamy: thanks

Echo: your welcome.

Clarke: I've chosen Echo

Everyone looks shocked including echo*

Echo: wait what?

Clarke: heda can't be just anyone or the flame will kill you but then I realized when you said you were related to Luna that means you knew Lexa and that Lexa would have wanted someone who can protect her people, our people.

Echo: no body wants me to heda

Clarke looks at her* there was a time, people hated Lexa and you know what I hated her at a time and then I realized she only ever did what was best for her people so will you.

Bellamy shouts Echo for heda *

Her people start shouting Echo for heda*

Octavia shoutsEcho for head*

Echo: okay let's do this

Clarke Bellamy and Echo go into a room to put the flame in her *

Bellamy: can you give us a minute

Clarke: of course

Bellamy: are you sure about this

Echo; your the one who started the shouting for me to become heda and you don't think I should do it now?

Bellamy: it's not that. I just can't loose you

Echo: I promise you won't.

Bellamy looks at her* I'm not going anywhere either.

Echo and Bellamy touch hands*

Clarke comes back and puts the chip in her neck a few minutes later she is still alive and they go through the whole process later that night Echo sites all of the heda before her Clarke becomes her flame keeper)

Roan: I guess I bow down to you now

Echo: not actually necessary.

Roan smiles* I'm still the king

Echo: yes sir

They hug*

Things were going back to normal for once but they were about to get crazier.

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