Trainer/Gym Battler: @TothanWarsplosion

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~Trainer and Gym Battler~

Name: Mystisk Natarbejder

Nickname: Myst

Pokemon: Gengar - Aertemis (Male),  Banette - Vidina (Female)


(Gengar) Destiny Bond, Hex, Dark Pulse, Ice Punch, Perish Song, Shadow Claw

(Banette) Night Shade, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Return, Dazzling Gleam

Gender: Female

Position: Trainer and Gym Battler

Personality: Quiet; Loyal; Doesn't get along with other people very well, but has a strong bond with her pokemon.

Traits: She enjoys writing/listening to music, reading, drawing, and playing with pokemon. She is a competitive battler. She loves all pokemon and would do almost anything to help or make one happy.

Age: 16

Looks: Shoulder-length black hair and bangs that cover her forehead, Dark blue eyes, Kind of short  for her age, She has glasses.

Clothing: She wears a blue and black plaid flannel shirt over a black tank top, a black skirt that goes down to her knees over a black and white striped tights, and black boots. She never goes anywhere without her ghost-pokemoncharm bracelet. She also has a small hair pin shaped like a Gastly.

Anything else I should add?: No

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