Leader/Gym Battler/Coordinator - @Dewott246

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Username: @Dewott246

Pokemon Name: Dewdrop or Dew for short

Pokemon: Oshawott

Moves: Razor Shell, Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump, Swords Dance, Ice Beam, Protect, Night Slash

Traits: Sneaky, Swift, Cunning, Trusting, Funny, Smart, Trustworthy, Protective of friends and family, Caring

Trainer's name: None

Gender: Female

Anything else?: I have a rainbow necklace with a golden charm of a water drop, made just for Oshawotts, which makes my water moves stronger. My eyes are, strangely, a rainbow color. It could change from pink, to purple, to green, to blue, etc. But most of the time, my eyes are like a diamond, you can see every single color in the rainbow in them. They are said to be hypnotizing.  I carry a lot of berries in a little, but endless, shoulder strap bag and always has them when we need them. 



~Gym Battler and Coordinator~

Name: Aisha

Nickname: Ay

Pokemon: Oshawott - Osha (Female), Riolu - Griffin (Male)


(Oshawott) Aqua Jet, Razor Shell, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Night Slash, Protect, Dig, Iron Tail

(Riolu) Dig, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Dual Chop

Gender: Female

Position: Gym Battler, Coordinator

Personality: I'm kind, crazy, protective, adventurous, fun, caring, loving, LOUD, cautious and serious when I need to be. I love Water type Pokemon like my Oshawott, Osha. I almost never call Osha or Griffin into their pokeball because we all love to walk around together. Osha, Griffin, and I have a strong bond unlike any other trainer. Also I'm able to talk to my Pokemon. Something about our bond, I think?

Traits: I can talk to my pokemon.

Age: 12

Looks: I have dark brown hair to my shoulders, with black and blue highlights. My eyes are rainbow (like in my pokemon form). I'm a bit slim.

Clothing: Blue t-shirt with a Pokeball in the middle. Black jean shorts. Pink and black sneakers. Wears a few bracelets on arm. Silver necklaces of a heart that says BFF, which can split in half for someone else.

Anything I should add?: Griffin can sense auras and tell if they are good or bad. Osha has a silver necklace with a blue jewel that increases her water moves. Griffin has a silver necklace with a purple jewel to increase her fighting moves. I have a silver necklace with a rainbow jewel to increase my friendship with any pokemon.

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