Spy/Fighter: @Alpha_Blaze

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Username: @Alpha_Blaze

Pokemon Name: Blaze

Pokemon: Ninetails

Moves: Slash Strike, Tackle, Distract, Shadow Call, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Lure

Traits: Very sensitive and shy. She is not used to being around others since she is small.  (When she uses Shadow Ball, it looks like her profile pic) She is trustworthy but doesn't get along with others easily. If mistreated you can get on her bad side, other ways she can be very energetic when in a better mood. Very shy and quiet with others. She is looking for the right trainer, though quietly.

Trainer's Name: None

Gender: Female

Anything Else?: Has stunning purple eyes, with a matching purple bandana that hangs from her neck. Is very sweet. Although she is smaller than others, she is very quick and cunning. She likes staying hidden, and can be VERY challenging when challenged.

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