Chapter 1: That Red Tape.

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“Stupid Math Homework, why do we study math? Like it will change my life for an example? I didn’t know what I would in my life if I didn’t study math!” here I am again sitting in my room trying to finish my stupid math homework. I normally hate math teachers.. or math.. or teachers.

Oh Gosh, Every time I remember I have to wake up every day at six o’clock and got to school is bad. When I remember I have to see people who wouldn’t like to be with me just because I am an orphan is worst. I have been living like that for like six years is unsupportable. My schoolmates think I am just living very well and I passed this ordeal while I am actually very good in pretending that I am fine and faking smiles and everybody thinks I am fine. Funny they are. And I am like friendless, everyone is leaving me and now I only have my dog, Patch as my only friend!

“Oh Patch stop that’s annoying! Okay fine I’ll get up” I already looked at my alarm clock and it’s … seven forty five! I jumped off my bed and I rann into Ray, my older sister’s room.

“-Ray! You fell asleep again! We both are going to be late!! Get up hurry it’s seven forty five!

-Relax Ellie, it’s six forty five. I told you to don’t buy an alarm clock. Beside who woke you up?

-First I told you hundred times to don’t call me Ellie. Second It’s Patch who woke me up, good dog thought...

-Fine go and get dressed I’ll be ready in minutes”

Minutes she said, go and get dressed she said.

Like every day, I sit in her car, I keep watching the blurry weather of Oxford in a dramatic mood and I keep remembering every scene in my life since my parent’s death. I should be the new drama queen, I know. Oh great I’m here, great, now I have to face the stupid reality. Yup my sister still drives me school knowing I am almost fifteen … next year.

As usual, that nerd girl who wears glasses carries books in her hand… And keeps her feelings while everyone is laughing on everything she does, walks in the school’s hall impassivity. I wonder when something is going to change my life; I am really bored from that red tape. But when I remember my life before, it’s kind of different. I am not the same as I was last year. Just Like C.S. Lewis: “Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes…but when you look back, everything is different” .

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