Chapter 9

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I walk downstairs with my aunt right behind me and sit at the kitchen table without looking my father in the eye. Dylan was sitting right next to me, I took his hand and gave him a look to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

“Okay so I talked to your Aunt Elaina and we both came to the decision that it is best for you to live with me.”

“How are you able to just do that without any of mine and Dylan’s input on this?! You can’t do this.”

“Well… because your mother and I, we never officially got a divorce. We just went our separate ways.”

Confusion came over my face. All this time I thought my parents were divorced and that my dad left us and just decided to never talk to us again until now. No wonder my mum never dated anyone after my dad. What else do I not know…

“This makes it to where I have to right to take you since I am your father and I am the legal guardian of you two on your mother’s will.” My father continued, “I hate to take you from the people you love but I know you’ll love living in America. It will be great.”

I sit there in silence looking around until I say, “Can I just ask one thing? Why now. Why now do you have the sudden interest in taking us? It’s been six years without you and just now you decide you want us.”

“Kaysee, I’ve always wanted you with me. I love you two with all my heart. I’ve been wanting to have you guys at least visit for the longest time but your mother never allowed it. Then the night came when I told her that she was being an unfit mother and I wanted to have you two live with me.”

“Okay that took it too far,” I say standing up looking at my dad with anger, “mum was not an unfit mother. She never was. Yes, she had her moments when she had some trouble but you can’t blame her, I mean she had to raise two children herself since you walked out on her. Don’t you dare try to pull blame on her.”

“Kaysee.” My aunt says, trying to get me to calm down.

“No. Aunt Elaina, he just insulted your sister. Your sister who has passed away because of him!”

“Your mother didn’t pass away because of me, I just told her the truth and like the irresponsible mother she was, she was the one who decided to drink while home alone with Dylan. Then went to get more alcohol while already intoxicated. She decided to do those things. She could have killed someone else while on the road. It’s a terrible thing that happened, but she has full responsibility of what happened.”

I tried to hold back the tears, to stay strong in front of Dylan, but I couldn’t. “Stop saying those things about our mother. She was always there when you never were.”

“Kaysee,” my father began while placing his hand over mine, “I loved your mother. I’m just stating the truth. I am sorry.” I quickly took my hand away from his and gave him a look of pure hatred.

“Kays, will you please just give your father a chance. Let him tell you about all the fun stuff there in the US.” My aunt added in.

“Yes! Kaysee, Dylan, you will love living in St. Louis! There’s the arch, an amazing ice cream place I’ll take you to once we get settled in, forest park, the city museum, Six Flags, and much more! You’ll love living there.” My dad said while showing us pictures on his phone. It looked like a nice place but not as good as home.

“What’s so cool about a city museum? Museums are for learning and are boring. I would know, I went to one last year.” Dylan said.

“Oh Dylan, it’s not just a city museum, it’s the city museum. It’s nothing like a regular museum, there’s mazes, slides, games, activities, and more! It’s a fun place, I’ll take you two there soon.”

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