Alois' POV

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I didn't get why Ciel was expecting me to think of a place to go. He should understand that I don't go out that often, so I don't know about any places besides the park and that little coffee shop.

So, when he asked me where we'd go now, I just gave him a very guilty smile and said: "Well... Wherever the road takes us..?"

The look he gave me after that told me that if I didn't think of something, he would probably kill me with that seven-hundred-or-even-more paged book he had just bought. Which I definitely didn't want. So, to save myself from any physical damage that would cause me, I suggested the first, and surely most stupid idea that I could come up with.

"There... Is an amusement park somewhere around here... Do you want to go there?"

"Do you even know how we can go there?" Wow, he still was mad at me for getting lost while we were going to the bookstore?

I could admit I had no idea on how to go to that amusement park. I could tell him that I hadn't been there in my whole life, and the only reason I knew it existed was because my brother had been there a lot of times. But no. I just had to lie. "Of course I do!"

He raised his eyebrows, not sure if he could trust me. "Like, you really do, or you know just like you knew how to go to the bookstore?"

"I really do know!"

He still didn't seem to trust me. Not that he was wrong about not trusting me on this. After the long pause he made, looking at me trying to decide if he should trust me or not, I broke the silence.

"You know what, I might not know! But we can still ask for directions, right?"

"Fine, but, if we happen to get lost, I swear I am going to kill you."

He could really be mean sometimes. Well, I guess that wasn't that bad. I could be way worse sometimes.


We started walking to the direction I guessed the amusement park was. Fortunately, the first person we asked assured us that it really was on this direction, and we were close.

When we arrived, Ciel had to note that "he was actually extremely surprised that we hadn't gotten lost". With that note, I silently told myself to remember to check a map before the next time I hang out with Ciel. If he wanted to, after today's experience.

We took a map of the park, which, in my opinion, was very big. However, Ciel had different thoughts.

"It's not that big..." He told me, as I was ready to say the exact opposite.

"Wait what? It is big! Look at all of these rides! Does that seem a few to you? It's huge!"

He looked at me for a minute, and asked: "Have you ever been to another amusement park?"

"No," I admitted. "Have you?"

"Of course! I've been to many well-known amusement parks, in other countries. You know, before—" he paused, changing his facial expression, and for a moment I thought he was ready to cry, but it could just be my imagination. "Never mind," he said without finishing his previous sentence.

I decided I shouldn't ask before what he had been to those amusement parks. Instead, I asked which ride he would like to go first, so that he would forget about whatever that 'before' meant, since his expression was still the same as when he stopped talking.

He chose a small train thingy that I didn't think looked like much. I hoped he would agree to go to the 'Haunted House'.

"You seriously want to go there? It will be scary and stuff!" He asked me after about five other rides, when I told him I wanted to go to the 'Haunted House'.

"Of course I do!!!!! What, don't you? Don't tell me you're scarred?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"What? Me scarred? I've been to many worse stuff. This won't be scary for me. But I doubt you won't get scarred, since you haven't been to anything similar before."

I blushed. How did he know? "Yeah, right. Are we going to go there or will we spend the rest of our time here?"

We got in the 'Horror House'. At first, it was pretty much okay. But, after a while, I had to admit it was scary. Very scary. I even screamed at some point.

How could Ciel be so calm? He seemed to not be affected at all. And, on top of that, when we got out he started laughing.

"That was ridiculous! I thought it wouldn't be much, but seriously? It was funny, not scary at all!"

"Are you trying to say something?" I glared at him. It was obvious he was making fun of me.

"Well, you did scream. But don't worry, you didn't know what to expect, since it was your first time on an amusement park!"

"How do you even know it is the first time I go on an amusement park?"

He pauses for some seconds, thinking. "Well, you were really excited when we came here, and you had a lot of questions you would never ask if you had been in one before."

"Oh. Okay." I would have continued, but I heard a phone ringing. At first, I thought it was mine, but then I saw Ciel getting his phone out of his pocket, picking it up and saying "Hello" to whoever was in the other line.

They spoke for only two minutes, and I wasn't paying attention. When he was done talking with whoever it was, I asked: "Your parents?"

He didn't answer immediately. "My... Aunt actually. She's going to pick me up in ten minutes. Do you want her to give you a ride to your house or something?"

I hesitated, but nodded a yes.

"Okay then. Come on, let's get out of the park. She doesn't like waiting."

I followed him, without talking.

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