chapter 5

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"This way!" Pikachu said once he sensed something, then came off of Ash's head and led the others to one way.

This made the others follow the electric mouse Pokemon. They came up to giant fallen trees with forest based Pokemon on top of them and looking distressed.

"Celebi must be up on top." Akito said.

"Only one way to find out." Ash said as he started to climb up.

"I'm coming too!" Sam ran over to climb up with him.

"Who needs to climb?" Mismagius smirked as she flew upward with Felicity in her arms.

Akito soon flew up to the top as well.

"Ash climbs just like a Mankey." Misty smiled admirably.

"Well, he did always like to climb when he was younger." Emi said.

Sam was almost there until he slipped and almost fell until Akito helped him up.

"Sam, maybe you should stay down with the others." Ash suggested.

"No, I have to find Celebi," Sam replied. "I couldn't protect it before so I gotta help it now!"

The three of them soon got to the top.

"Take it easy, Sam, you're not as strong as I am." Akito said as he had already beat them to the top due to being him.

Eventually, when they all made it to the top, they saw numerous different Pokemon.

"Wow, that's a lot of Pokemon." Akito said.

The others then went to one hole and found the Celebi peacefully latched onto the trunk.

"Is this the Celebi?" Ash asked Sam.

"Mm-hmm," Sam smiled as he then reached out for the Pokemon. "Come on, Celebi..."

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you." Akito soothed the Pokemon.

The Celebi let out a scream which was strong enough to blow them all back, even Akito.

"Hey, what'd you do that for?!" Ash glared before getting back up and running back towards the Celebi.

Akito soon flew back to Celebi, not angry with it since Celebi was frightened.

"'Kito's going to evolve into a primate." Ace commented.

Lexi snorted with an eye roll.

"Hey, little guy... We're only trying to help you." Akito said to the Celebi.

Celebi soon used Frenzy Plant to attack the three of them.

"Whoa!" Akito yelped as they were whipped at from the plant vines. "It's like Pocahontas's grandmother against John Smith's friends."

Pikachu was about to use a thundershock on Celebi for harming his friends.

"No wait, Pikachu, don't attack Celebi!" Akito told him.

Pikachu then paused his attack instantly.

"Don't be mad at it, it's just afraid!" Sam said as he flinched from the attack.

"We've got to make it understand that we're its friends." Akito said.

"Okay... Here goes..." Ash said before putting on a friendly smile to the Pokemon. "Celebi, we're your friends."

"We don't wanna hurt you, we just wanna help you." Akito added in.

Celebi whimpered as it continued to let the vines whip them.

"I helped you before," Sam tried. "Don't you remember, Celebi? I helped you from that Pokemon hunter."

Celebi slowly opened its eyes as it calmed down a little. As it calmed down, so did the vines and they slowed down to stopping completely.

"You just need to take it easy." Ash smiled.

"We will too." Sam added in.

Akito reached out. Celebi flinched at first, but then calmed down as it was being pet by the boy.

"See? We're just here to help you." Akito soothed the Pokemon.

Sam giggled and then gently picked up the Pokemon in his arms. The other Pokemon gathered to see this. They soon got down from the fallen trees.

"You're safe with me, Celebi." Sam promised.

Celebi quietly purred while in his hold.

Once the others came down, they then moved back to Diana and her grandmother's.

"Oh, it's so cute." Lexi gushed to Celebi.

"It sure is." Estelle smiled in agreement.

"Brock, it seems really weak." Misty noted.

"Yeah, we better hurry," Brock suggested. "We'll take it to a Pokemon Center."

"Oh, poor thing..." Emi cooed to the poor Pokemon.

"As long as no one evil tries to get in our way, this should be easy." Rev said.

"Aw, come on, Rev, our enemies are back in Acmetropolis Maximum Security Prison, what could happen?" Ace replied.

"And besides, Jessie, James, and Meowth aren't threatening in the slightest." Akito said which made Emi laugh.

"What about those other two Team Rocket members?" Estelle asked.

"Okay, that might be a problem." Akito admitted.

A smoke bomb then came down to reveal Butch and Cassidy with another familiar stranger.

"Sorry, guys." Estelle said, worried she might have jinxed it.

"That's okay, Estelle." the others soothed.

"Who are they?!" Sam yelped at Butch and Cassidy.

"I'm sure they'll introduce themselves." Lexi said.

"Believe me they will..." Akito said.

Eloise froze up at the man who was with Team Rocket. "B-B-Brooks Oliver..." she whispered fearfully as she remembered that one Christmas at the Plaza when that man tried to marry the hotel owner's daughter before Bill stepped up.

Cassidy, Butch, and Brooks Oliver soon introduced themselves and where with the extra weight from their Raticate, the branch they were standing on broke. This made the kids laugh at their humiliation.

"Think they're gonna be okay?" Sam asked in concern.

"Unfortunately, yes." Misty said as she rushed him out.

"Come on, Eloise." Akito took his cousin's hand as she had frozen at the sight of Brooks Oliver.

"Remind me how I got stuck with you two?" Brooks Oliver asked.

"Hey, we busted you out of jail!" Cassidy glared. "At least we're more competent than Messy and Lames!"

"I'm starting think I was better off behind bars being outsmarted by a six-year-old, let alone you two, Cassidy and Bill." Brooks Oliver retorted.

"It's Butch!" Butch glared.

"Whatever." Brooks Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Those twerps got lucky this time, and as for you!" Cassidy glared to her Raticate before returning it to its Pokeball.

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