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Third Person POV

Luna's face had never been so surprised.

The. Veritaserum had worn off by then, and Harry had realized what he had done.

Ron had come in right before Harry said it, and he heard everything.  He gasped audibly.

Ginny, Ron, and Neville were staring at each other, their jaws dropped.

"I can explain, Luna," Harry said.

Hermione looked scared and afraid.  "Please, Luna," she said.

Luna nodded.

Harry explained everything, from Ron and Hermione's breakup to the Veritaserum.  Luna's eyes had tears in her eyes by the end.

"Luna," Harry said.  "I'm sorry.  I know you're mad at me-"

Luna shook her head and finally spoke.

"I'm not mad.  I'm just... I'm feeling a lot of things right now.  First, I'm sad about how things went with Ron and Hermione.  I'm also disappointed with Ron for what he did to her.  I feel bad for Hermione for the things she went through and how she encouraged our relationship in spite of how much she loved you.  I'm also grateful for how Harry loves us both too much to leave on of us and very surprised that all this has been happening.  But I'm scared and worried for what will happen next."

Everyone was moved by this, even Ron, who still seemed a bit irritated since everyone knew what he did to Hermione.

There was a heavy silence.

Hermione finally spoke.


Everyone looked at Harry.



"Are you..."

"Will it..."


Harry shook his head.  "Guys, I know what to do, and I'm sorry."

More silence.

"I'm breaking up with both of you."

There was yet more silence.  But it was not happy.

Unexpected- A Huna Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now