Why bother

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So before I get to stellarstrong meme I really have something to rant about and boy is it about my job again

So last Sunday and this was like a week after I got back from vacation we had another person quit

3rd one again

Why the fuck am I not surprised

Oh that's right cause we had three people quit

The first one we had lasted for about five months he came around in sometime July but quit in January I think I don't remember though I'm alright with it cause he was lazy and if I remember of what one of my coworkers told me he stole money from one of our registers

The second one she lasted for a month and dear god did she pissed me off at times cause she doesn't know shit and all she freaking did was go out and smoke and I couldn't get some shit done in Deli

And the third one she was only here for three weeks and she didn't know what she was doing and she had to get me for help when I tried to get stuff also done like the deli and cooler and she did the same as the other girl did smoke  and she quit four days ago.

Plus on the bright side I wasn't the only one who didn't like them that much.

Yeah I wasn't surprised that those three quit and trust me I tried to like them but once you realized about them yeah you really hate them

And I actually realized this and I talked to this to one of the other coworkers I work with and than told my dad about this and it really bugged me to hell

Why the fuck would you fill out an application if you don't want to work why!? Why would you if you don't want to work along with fucking being lazy!?

Don't come in and fucking fill out an application if you're to lazy and don't want to work with us don't! Its so freaking stupid


And when I told my dad about this this what he told me

Dad: The reason why is cause the husband/wife wants them to help with stuff like groceries and whatever stuff than later they complain they need help around stuff and tell them to quit

My dad does make a good point about that

But seriously don't come and fill out an app to work with us and than later on quit for whatever your reason is cause to me that is stupid as fuck

And thanks to the girl that quit on us I have to work on Fridays again oh freaking joy {sarcasm}

I'm not even sure if our manager is gonna hire someone else after that

But here's another thing about my job

Want to know how many people we have at my job?

There's seven of us at the gas station. SEVEN

Yeah seven of us and no I'm not naming who I work with

So what's the point of hiring someone when we have seven freaking people at the job!?

Plus one of them is supposed to work on Fridays not me but she just wants Fridays off I guess I don't know anymore I'm so done with this crap

But I'm gonna stop complaining about this and just go with it

Hopefully something will be figured out which better be damned soon

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