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Is this what it feels like?

Finding out that I've got the guts to say anything

Feels like breaking out

When I can defy my reputation

Finally, I can see, honestly, I've got the guts to say anything.

~All Time Low, "Guts"

Ashton's POV

When I wake up, I’m tangled in Luke. His hands are laced in my hair, his breath ghosting over the top of my head. My arms are wrapped around him and he feels so small, fragile even.

I like waking up next to Luke. He makes me feel safe and warm and--dare I say it?--fuzzy inside. I don’t even know what woke me up when I hear a click and two giggles. I groan, refusing to let go of Luke, and look up.

Calum and Michael, who else?

“Please say you didn’t post that on Twitter.”

“Too late,” Michael says gleefully.

“You guys are dicks,” I hear Luke say sleepily. I didn’t even know he was awake. Maybe I woke him when I started talking. I like how he looks when he sleeps in the least creepy way possible; he looks younger and more innocent and peaceful, though I suppose everyone does. Stupid band members, ruining the nice morning moment.

“Aww, look at Lashton,” Calum coos. Luke grabs a pillow and throws it at him, surprisingly accurate for a newly-woken teenage boy at ass-o-clock. Calum splutters as the pillow whacks him in the face. Luke swings his legs out of bed, moaning about how he just wanted to sleep for one day in his life, and pushes past Calum and Michael in the direction of food.

I roll out of bed decidedly less gracefully than Luke, but who cares? I make sure to grab Calum’s phone on the way out (inciting much protest) and put it in the fake plant that all hotels seem to assume people like.

“Nice morning,” Luke comments sarcastically. I smirk, going to hug him from behind.

“Tell me about it.”

Luke smiles and continues toasting bread. He hates making breakfast but I know he does it sometimes for me anyway.

“Are we doing anything today?” he asks, watching the toast.

“No,” I say, resting my head on his shoulder not without difficulty. He’s probably the tallest person I’ve ever met. “I hope not.”

“Okay, lovebirds, evacuate the kitchen,” Michael demands. “I need breakfast.”

“I’m making breakfast,” Luke says plaintively. “Wait your turn, Clifford.”

“You two take up an entire room,” Michael responds. “And when you don’t, nobody else wants to be in the room because you’re so damn mushy all the time.”

I turn around and stick my tongue out at Michael. “Just because you can’t get a girlfriend doesn’t mean you have to deprive me of mine.”

“I’m your boyfriend!” Luke protests, duly offended at being called a girl. “I’m not a girl.”

“You know, you do take a long time in the shower,” Calum adds, joining us. “What are you hiding under that beanie, Luke?”

Luke scowls and hurls his beanie at Calum, who catches it. “My fabulous blond locks, obviously.”

“Is that natural, then?”

“Oh, shut up,” I jump in, rolling my eyes. “Whatever, Luke, your toast is going anyway.”

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