I Like You (Minjoon)

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*Fluff and light(?) smut*

"Why did I run away like that? Ugh! I just made myself look like an idiot." Jimin chided himself in the bathroom of the house that he was currently in; the party, still in full swing downstairs. All he did was smile at him and it sent him blushing and running for the nearest bathroom. Why did he even come anyways? All because Tae...

"I don't want to go alone!" Taehyung clung to his arm like a small 5 year old child.

"Then just don't go." Jimin rolled his eyes and tried but failed to pry a clinging Tae off his arm.

"But I have to go!"

"Then go!"

"But I don't want to show up like a loner all by myself!"

"...It's a party. You don't need someone to accompany you."

"But I'm probably gonna get drunk off my ass and then who takes care of me and take me home?" Tae knew he had him. Jimin was always there for Tae when he's drunk and always took care of him too. He knew he had him when that smug look came across his face. Jimin sighed in defeat.

"Fine!" Tae whooped and ran off to get ready. He hopes he doesn't regret this.

Oh, he was regretting it alright. From the minute he stepped in to the minute he locked eyes with Namjoon, feeling his face heat up as he smiled at him, his dimples coming through...and then he ran.

"Ugh!" Jimin furiously washed his hands even though he hadn't even used the toilet before dropping his head on the mirror in front of him.

"I'm so stupid!" Jimin softly started to knock his head on the wall humming a tune to get Namjoon out of his mind.

"Be careful there."

It wasn't even working. He was starting to hear his voice now.

Soft hands grabbed him and pulled him away from the wall.

"You might hurt that cute little forehead of yours."

"Wha-" Jimin felt the soft pad of a thumb stroke his forehead before pulling back.

Jimin almost choked as his eyes fell on the person he's liked for three months.

"You're so cute when you blush." Namjoon's arm slid down his face to stroke his now warm flushed cheeks, his breath getting caught in his throat.

Jimin was confused as to what was happening right now. He didn't believe that this was real. But if this was a dream then he doesn't want to wake up yet.

"Stop that." It was so quiet that he almost didn't hear it.

Namjoon's fingers travelled down to pull his bottom lip that he didn't realize he was chewing on, out from between his teeth. Running the pad of his thumb across it, the intense heated gaze namjoon had on his lip sent a pool of heat straight to his rapidly hardening cock in his pants. The feel of his warm minty breath fanning over his lips showed how close he was and it didn't help soften his growing erection one bit.

"Shit." Namjoon released his lip quickly and made a bee line straight to the bathroom door.

"Wait!" He froze right at the bathroom door, his posture showing that he was listening.

"I-I just w-wanted to t-tell you that um-"

"What is it?" His voice wasn't harsh, more like strained but yet also soft.

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