Mistaken Profession (Jikook)

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*Explicit language (mild)*

Jungkook had a problem. A big problem and that problem is his job. He hated it. It was the same old routine every day. Wake up. Go to work. Separate files. Put them where they belong. Go to lunch. Return to filing reports. Then go home at 5. There was nothing he could do about it though. He couldn't quit, otherwise he wouldn't eat and bills wouldn't be paid.

He entered the huge building and made his way to the elevator, nodding to the other workers as he passed them by.

"Good morning." Fuck him.

"Good day to you ma'am." Fuck her.

Did he forget to mention he hated the people he worked it with? Well now you know. He couldn't stand them. They were as boring as his job. He said a final good morning to the old lady drinking coffee at her desk before he stepped inside the elevator and scoffed in disgust.

It wasn't long before Jungkook stepped off at the 7th floor and walked to his desk, passing out greetings along the way. Jungkook dropped his briefcase on floor, took of his jacket, rolled up his white sleeves and got to work.


"Hm?" Jungkook looked up and wanted to roll his eyes towards the heavens.

When is this woman whose name he doesn't care to remember, realizes that he doesn't want her or anything that has to do with her.

"May I help you?" His annoyance was growing quickly.

"Yes. As a matter a fact you can." She 'seductively' walked around his desk and trailed a long slender finger up and down his arm.

He brushed her off and pointedly glared at her.

"Why are you here?" The woman sighed and walked back from around his desk "There's a board meeting in 10 minutes and you need to be there."

He grunted in acknowledgement and turned to look for his notepad, not caring if the woman was still standing there or not.


Jungkook was reminded of how much he hated board meetings. There was nothing new to talk about. It was the same old thing just twisted differently to make it seem new and as soon as they were dismissed, he shot out of his seat to go fetch his lunch. He returned to work soon after and before long it was time to go home. Thank God!

Jungkook's phone vibrated in his pocket to inform him of an incoming call.


"Jungkook-ah!" He withdrew the phone from his ear to ease the ringing caused from Taehyung's damn loud voice.

"Yes hyung?"

"Why aren't you back yet?! I've been sitting in your apartment for 2 hours waiting for you!"

Jungkook paused at his car door and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hyung...how the hell did you get in my apartment?"

"I copied your key of course. Now hurry and get here." Jungkook didn't get the chance to ask when the fuck did he get a chance to copy his key because Taehyung had already hung up.

"That hyung, seriously."

Jungkook was about to open his car when thought he heard someone struggling with something. It was too dark out to see properly. The sun had already set.


No one answered but he could still hear the person cursing up a storm.

"Hello?!" He walked in the direction of the sound which wasn't far and found a car which looks like it had stopped working.

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