Morning (Vmin)

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In the early hours of the cool morning, the younger of the two boys groaned awake, stirring slightly as to not wake the other older male. Coming to a halt when the hand around his waist pulled him back in. He turned around to look in the face of the person he loved with every bone of his body. His shiny black hair spread over his pillow like a blanket, the slight puffiness of his face and the swell of his mouth made him lean down and press his lips to his soft ones. The other stirring and cuddling further into his chest.

Well this was not what I wanted to happen.

It was a difficult task to pry Jimin off, with him mumbling "taetae" every time he tried to.

He quietly slipped out of bed, letting out a sigh of relieve when he managed to do so without waking Jimin. A blush working up his neck when he saw the red love bits littered across Jimin's back and around his neck. The memories of last night flooding his memories causing his dick to twitch in his boxers.

He hurriedly left the room because the longer he stared at Jimin's uncovered naked top half; the more he was tempted to reenact what took place last night. The hot feeling of Jimin's lips against his skin, trailing down his stomach. The further down he went, the harder he got until he reached his hot throbbing c-

"Ouch!" Lost in his memories of what was a wonderful night, he ran straight into the wall outside the kitchen.

Rubbing his now sore forehead, he walked into the kitchen, wanting to make the love of his life breakfast. Jimin is always the one cooking and baking for him so this morning, he decided to let him sleep in so he could make breakfast for him. But knowing Jimin, he's probably gonna be up soon. He was always an early bird.

So engrossed in cooking, Tae Jumped when he felt small soft hands slid their way around his center.

"Taehyungie, what are you doing?" The sweet yet hoarse voice that sleep was evident in said behind him and it could be only one person...

"I'm making breakfast for you Jiminie. What else could I be doing in the kitchen?" He turned briefly to throw a smile over his shoulder at the adorable male hugging him from behind, with his hair pointed in all different directions, one eye opened and the other squeezed shut.

"You weren't supposed to get up yet, why are you up already?" A small hand reached forward to turn the stove off quickly.

"I smelled something burning," Jimin spun Tae around pushing him up against the edge of the counter, leaning up to press a soft kiss against his pouting lips. "Plus you were gone."

Tae placed the spatula down, wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist bringing him back up to his lips. Jimin's lip fitting perfectly with his, a soft, slow lazy morning kiss that had Jimin pulling him against his chest to deepen it. It was just too easy for Tae to melt into the kiss, Jimin's heated breath fanning against his lower lip before sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. Pulling it into his mouth, sucking away the sting of his bite. Jimin's hand sliding up into his hair, taking a firm grip of it and yanking it to the side, exposing his spotless throat.

Jimin didn't like that.

Growling low in his throat, he attacked his neck. Biting, gnawing, nipping and sucking at the delicate flesh, painting it in hot patches of red. The younger male mewling and scratching at Jimin's uncovered back. Rolling his hips against Jimin's thigh, hoping to get some friction going to give his poor hard aching cock some relief. The front of his boxers soaked with the amount of pre-cum he leaked just from Jimin feasting on his neck.

"Ji-Jimin-ah fuck!" Tae grabbed at Jimin's hips as he torturously rolled his hips slowly against his clothed dick that was leaking like a faucet inside his boxers.

"J-Ji-Jiminie please!" He was this close to coming. After all these years, he thought Jimin wouldn't have the ability to bring him to the edge like this anymore, to make him moan with just a kiss to his neck but yet here he is, fighting the urge to cum as Jimin stroked him from root to tip, his boxers laying at his ankles.

"What do you want baby?" Tae was always fascinated by how deep Jimin's voice could go, but he didn't care at that moment as the older male suckled on the skin beneath his ear. Jimin knew that was Tae's sensitive spot and he tortured him with it. Blowing gently on it and peppering kisses around it. His hand that wasn't lazily stroking Tae, sliding down to land a harsh smack against the firm globes of Tae's ass.

"Fuck!" He couldn't think anymore. His thoughts revolved around Jimin. His senses were clouded by Jimin's natural scent of peaches that seem to stick with him. His eyes surely glazed over and hooded with lust as he cried out once more, another hard smack landing on his now flushed red ass.

"I can't help you if I don't know what you want baby." His voice deep and rough, yet soft and commanding at the same time.

"Y-You! Fuck, I want you!" He could feel it. The heat pooling into his stomach, the muscles clenching tightly. His toes curling against the cold floor. His arms tightening around Jimin, his nails sinking into his arms as Jimin sped up the pace on his cock. Pumping him quickly, his other arm slipping into the crease of Tae's ass to press against his fluttering hole and when Jimin sank his finger knuckle deep inside him, he lost it.

Crying out as the teeth shattering orgasm swept through him. His hole clamping down on Jimin's finger as he exploded all over both his and Jimin's chest, some dripping onto the floor. His teeth sinking into Jimin's shoulder as the last of his orgasm pass through him, leaving his body a shaking shivering mess.

Jimin had worn him out...again. His head dropping on the older males shoulder with a groan as he pulled his finger from inside him.

"Can you walk baby?" the only replied he got was another groan and a body being wrapped around him; legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Jimin might be small but he sure wasn't weak.

He chuckled at his cute overgrown baby behaving boyfriend, hoisted him up further and walked them back to their bedroom where he laid him before climbing in after him, pulling the taller male into his chest.

"I wanted to make you breakfast you know." His voice muffled, stuffed into Jimin's neck. His arms snaking around Jimin's waist.

"I know Taehyungie. But I don't feel like taking another trip to the hospital any time soon." Tae could hear the laugh in his voice as it turned back to his normal cute voice he always used when they're not doing anything sexual, a pout forming on his face. He turned around, turning his back to Jimin not caring how childish he's behaving.

"How about this, later when he get out of bed, we'll cook together."

"Promise?" Tae said, peeking over his shoulder at his smiling partner.

"Promise. Now get back here, I miss you already." He laughed and rolled his eyes, sliding back into the awaiting arms of his boyfriend, snuggling into his chest, Jimin's arms holding him securely once again.

"I'm the taller one; I should be in your position Jiminie."

"Yeah, but you love snuggling into my chest and sleeping in my arms too much to be in my position."

"...Good point." He closed his eyes already falling back to sleep even though he just woke up earlier and right before drifting off was then that he felt the hot hard pulsating cock pressed against his stomach.

Jimin hadn't come.

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