"Chapter 3"

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A/N: omg I didn't think anyone would read tbh XD I'm so happy it isn't as bad as I thought. A big shout out to I_Luv_Music14 ^^ for she has been one of my very best friends since I joined Wattpad and for loving this story. My inspiration is back! Idk when I'll be able to update but hopefully soon. Please enjoy ^^

Seemed everypony was in the need of motivation today. After Thorax's talk with Spike, they had many fun things to do around Ponyville. Only thing was that Thorax still had to be a crystal pony, still giving time before anypony would accept him only as a changeling. They did many things: play some games, meet the other ponies, and have a fun meal. Thorax had never had so much fun in all his life. Greeting to other ponies was difficult for him, for he was still trying to get use to being friends with them instead. But it was so wonderful to have ponies actually talk to him, instead of screaming in terror, and running away.
The train had been ready, and once they saw Twilight, the Alicorn pretended she didn't know Thorax was in town, and offer to come back to Crystal empire to take him home. She had been wanting to see Cadence and Shining Armor again, especially Flurry Heart. Not only that, she had some interesting information to give them about the changeling and his kind.
They were getting upon the train, letting Spike be the first to go and Thorax to be second. Twilight was stopped as a hoof poked her shoulder, turned her head to spot the pony looking at her. She smiled at the shy sight. "Oh, hi Fluttershy." She said. "You going somewhere on the train too?"
"Oh, um... Actually Twilight," said the shy Pegasus. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to help me with the new baby bunnies." As her small little smile came to life, so did her wings. For they caused the yellow Pegasus to fly in the air in a graceful, yet excited way. "They are just so cute! And I thought maybe you would like to keep one."
Fluttershy then landed on her hoofs looking back at the Alicorn princess. "Oh man, I would love to Fluttershy." Twilight said, imagining the sight of adorable little baby bunnies. Then she put her attention back on the yellow Pegasus. "but I have to take a certain somepony back to the Crystal empire."
"Oh, is it that Crystal Hoof character Pinkie Pie mention earlier?" Fluttershy asked, not looking a bit disappointed of Twilight's no.
"Why yes it is. He's a friend of Spike, and they have been pen pals ever since we went to visit Flurry Heart."
"Well, that's very nice to see how many friends Spike could meet."
"Come on Twilight." Said the voice of the baby dragon, as he and Thorax walked back to Twilight were she standing outside of the train. "This train can't sit forever, and you know how the constructor gets." Then he turned his attention onto the yellow Pegasus who stood there as well and smile. "Hey Fluttershy."
"Hello." She waved slightly to the dragon.
"I know Spike, but Fluttershy was just asking me something and I had to answer before we headed off." Twilight told Spike.
Fluttershy then looked over the Alicorn and spotted the crystal pony standing behind Spike. She then smiled at him, for he was looking very nervous towards her. "Hi there." She finally spoke to him in her calm, gentle voice. "You must be Crystal Hoof. I have heard so much about you. I'm Fluttershy." She then let out her hoof, willingly to shake his.
Spike smiled as Fluttershy was giving her kindest greeting ever. But once he looked at Thorax, he saw he was scared, and didn't know how to react right away. So then the dragon walked behind of Thorax, and pushed him a little closer to the Pegasus. "Come on now, Crystal Hoof." He said. "Say hi."
He then gulped, afraid he'll ruin his actions towards this wonderful Pegasus. As Thorax finally decided to shake her hoof, he said letting sweat fall down his cheek, "Nice to meet you too."
Thorax was normally never nervous towards the other ponies in Ponyville, but that must be because they don't know who he is yet. Not only that, this Pegasus, the element of kindness, was a part of the attack in the Canterlot wedding. Seeing her having to fight and looked so frightened, she probably would scared of him more if she saw who he truly is. He would be like this to the other three elements he hadn't met quite yet.
Once the two let go of each other's hoof, they stood there, very silent, unknown of what to say. "So um," Fluttershy spoke first. "Were you here visiting Spike to hang out?"
"Um.. Yes! Yes, totally was." He said, almost letting himself stutter.
"Well you seem very nice. Maybe the next time you visit, you can come see the new baby bunnies that were just born. That's if they're still babies of course."
Twilight then smiled at the two, and said, "I think he would love that. We should arrange for him to comeback another day huh?"
"Of course! That would be amazing!" Fluttershy then flew back in the air, letting her excitement come out at last. But then she saw the three pair of eyes staring at her oddly, so she immediately settled herself down, fly back onto the floor, and said calmly, "I mean, yay."
"All aboard for the Crystal empire!" Said the constructor as he finally went back to his station.
"We better get going." Said Spike. He then waved towards the Pegasus saying goodbye, as Twilight did the same.
Fluttershy gave small waves as the train had moved from the engine. Once the train had left and was out of sight, Fluttershy no longer continued her waving, and stood there, coming up with an idea. Once she had it, her face had brighten with joy.
"Oh! I got it! Instead of waiting for a long time to them to see the bunnies, I can bring the bunnies to them. But I'll have to ask Mrs. Hoppers first."
So then the Pegasus flew to her cottage to find those bunnies she been nursing for so long.
The train ride wasn't too much for the three to worry on how long it was. Thorax and Spike just laughed and told jokes to one another. Twilight on the other hand, kept looking out of the distance, thinking of ways to explain this imprinting to her sister in law, and brother. But this has got her thinking.
She began to think of Thorax mostly, of how he'll be towards Flurry Heart as she grows up. It was pretty obvious she adores than most of the ponies in the world, and he means no harm to her. She didn't even know it was possible for Changelings to imprint. But the way how Thorax explained it to Spike in secret, it sounded as if he put all of his love onto Flurry Heart more than anypony else. For Cadence to hear this, she might be surprised, and perhaps more mother worried than ever, but maybe she could see it wasn't something for Thorax to control. But for Shining Armor to hear this.... It might not be so pretty.
Maybe she shouldn't tell them this quite yet.
Once they had finally made it to the Crystal empire, the three had stepped out, along with another few ponies wanting to visit the empire as well. Twilight made to look at Spike to make sure he wasn't in disguise like last time. That was just hilarious and ridiculous of him to hide. Luckily he wasn't. He even mention he would like to be a celebrity for the day if he had to.
The three had mostly walked towards the castle, spotting two guards at the doors. Once the two had caught the appearance of Twilight, they let her enter, with her giving them a thanks. And like any other fans, they waved to Spike the brave and glorious with goofy smiles. Spike of course, waved back and winked, loved feeling the attention he got from these ponies.
Thorax couldn't help but find it funny how ponies can look up to a small dragon, but like they said, he saved the empire twice, and he was a wonderful friend to anypony.
Twilight then found the two big doors to the throne, and then opened them, jumping in with glee. "Guess who?" She sang in a funny tune as she entered.
But once she finally opened her eyes, she noticed Cadence was sitting upon her throne, and Sunburst was standing next to her along with his magic levitating a book, and the baby carriage Flurry Heart sat in. The two grown ponies looked back at the three, surprised by the crazy entrance Twilight made.
She blushed, a bit embarrassed by her silly actions ruining something probably serious. Spike did his best not to laugh.
Cadence smiled, and ran off her throne towards Twilight. Then began their little moment. "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hoofs, and do a little shake!"
"It's really great to see you again Twilight." Said Cadence as she hugged the young mare she once foal sitting.
Knowing the coast was clear, Thorax finally transformed back into his normal changeling form, feeling much better no longer having to hide. He then looked at Sunburst, to see him nodding his head. Thorax wasn't completely too sure what that was about, but then the changeling decided to walk up to him along with Spike by his side. "Thank you so much for helping me get to Ponyville."
"It was nothing." Said the orange unicorn. "After all, staying home all the time isn't exactly a hobby."
Thorax nodded in agreement, and then turned his head towards the baby in the carriage. Flurry Heart opened her big blue eyes, seeing the sight of the creature. Then she giggled and cooed, raising her arms to him. Still Thorax was confuse of what she was trying to do.
Noticing this, Sunburst ignited his magic again, levitated the young foal as she continued giggling in her cute voice, and then led her to the changeling. Thorax perked up his ears, surprised. Then he looked over at Sunburst, who gave another nod. Then the changeling looked back at the mother, seeing her still talking to Twilight. Finally, he opened his arms, and let the baby entered his arms thanks to Sunburst.
He wiggled a little. "Whoa!" He said. "She's very light."
"Don't worry." Sunburst said, helping the changeling hold her correctly. "These things happen when you first hold a baby."
Once Flurry Heart was in the right position to Thorax's arms, she snuggles closer to him. Thorax watched the baby Alicorn react and got comfortable, and at last, he didn't feel he was going to drop her. He smiled at the sight of the baby sleeping gently, and how beautiful she looked was so unresisting. "Oh, she is so beautiful when she sleeps." He said as his wings began to motivate.
Cadence then turned around to the other three, and her purple eyes widen when she saw her baby was in the arms of Thorax. She walked immediately towards them, along with Twilight walking slowly. Then the older Alicorn ignited her own magic from her horn to levitate her daughter towards her, out of the changeling's arms. "That's enough." She said, trying her best to sound as calm as she could.
By then, everypony noticed her strange reaction towards the changeling. Sure once before, the kingdom went overboard when they thought all changelings were bad, but that was in the past, and Thorax was no threat. So why was Cadence acting like this towards him?
As the silence became an awkward scene, Twilight felt the need to ask her sister-in-law. "Um, Cadence it's okay. You know Thorax wouldn't do anything to hurt Flurry Heart."
Cadence let out a sigh as she looked back towards the younger Alicorn. "I understand Twilight, but right now I believe it's time for Flurry Heart's nap."
Just then, the baby let out a yawn, letting her giant blue eyes set to sleep peacefully and hugged herself into the blanket she was wrapped around. That warmed the heart of Cadence watching her foal coo.
Sunburst then levitated his glasses more onto his muzzle, cleared his throat, and responded to the pink Alicorn, "Perhaps it's best if she's does take her royal nap."
This was very odd to Twilight. Why was Sunburst and Cadence acting like this? It's almost as if they didn't think Thorax should be around the baby. Didn't try make it clear he was no threat?
But as the changeling noticed Cadence leading away with her baby, he ran to her, placed his holed hoof gently to her shoulder, and said, a bit nervous from the respond, "Um, I would like to help you take her to her crib."
Cadence raised a brow to the changeling, trying to find some way to make it out of the throne room without an answer. But then her thoughts became a control into her mind, reminding her why she was the princess of love. She then looked down at Flurry Heart, and then back at Thorax. Then she sighed, letting out at last a smile, and said, "Of course. Follow me."
After he bowed to the princess, Thorax followed her as they were out of sight from the throne room entering the giant hall. Once they were gone, Twilight looked at Sunburst as he was setting down Flurry Heart's carriage. "So Sunburst," she said, sounding very serious, making the orange unicorn jump. "care to explain what all THAT was about?"
"Yeah." Spike said as he stood next to the Alicorn. "I thought you and Cadence knew Thorax isn't a bad changeling."
"Of course I know that." He said, levitating the book behind him to hide. "It's just..... I made a recent discover of a changeling's abilities of what they can and cannot control."
The two pony and dragon shared a look, still unsure what he meant. They have barley any big knowledge of the changeling clan, but they felt there shouldn't really be anything extra to it... Would there?
So then they looked back at Sunburst. "And?" Twilight said.
"Well, I'm afraid Cadence is a little bit fine with the situation," he said. "but I highly doubt Shining Armor will."
The two listened carefully, trying to make sure everyone word made sense to him. Though they felt Cadence was very uncomfortable with whatever is going on. Shining Armor is just one of those protective fathers, so what else could make him almost lose it?
Which only built Shining Armor's inside guard, as he was peeking his head from the throne room doors, listening to the three as Sunburst explained.
"Seems changelings have a ability called, 'imprinting'."
Spike felt his light green ears perk up as that word came to him. He felt his forehead be sweating very badly. Now his heart raced for his best friend might be ruined for life. 'Why now?' was all Spike could think of.
Sunburst then sigh, hoping a heavy heart would solve his emotions. "And Thorax has imprinted on somepony..."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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