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I never thought I would constantly have to address the same issues, but I guess I do huh?

Don't steal my fucking work dude, damn it's as simple as that bruh! Like you too STUPID and simple-minded to come up with your own shit bruh!

It's really starting to upset me now because as I said before this is my life! And for you to have the nerve to read my book and steal from it, just pisses me off but that's cool cause y'all gone be real upset with me when I actually get mad and take this story down.

Like real talk bruh....tf wrong with people?

I Hear You

April 5, 2016
2:30 A.M.

Armani (POV)

I could hear the faint sounds of beeping in my ears, but I couldn't move any parts of my body; I couldn't open my eyes, yet, I could still feel all the pain. My eyes refused to open up, and I'm guessing there was a breathing tube down my throat because I felt air being pumped in and out of my lungs. Of course the first thing to cross my mind was coma. There was clearly no other explanation for this half awake half asleep behavior going on within myself.

I remember being in this same type of predicament when I was younger, around the time I'd just met the savors that God sent to me and Kali. The only difference now is, I'm actually alone, I'm not surrounded by darkness or being graced with the sweet tender presence of my mother and best friend. I was simply.... alone. Here in my own thoughts, feeling all the pain and anguish my used up body had to offer. Now I'm here in my own mind listening to the sounds of the outside world wishing I could touch it once again. Hopefully I will wake up from this, and all these injuries and this condition won't overcome me.

The sound of the door creaking open caught my attention, but I'm sure it didn't seem that way on the outside; since I couldn't give off any type of impression that I was alive.

"Check her vitals please." I'm guessing the doctor said.

"Yes sir."

Fumbling and clinking could be heard throughout the room, and soon I felt a cold cloth like material being placed around my arm as the two continued to speak.

"So what are your thoughts on this one?" The dominating male spoke.

"I don't want to jinx anything and you know I'm as positive as they come in a situation like this, but I think we both know the outcome here Doctor. We've done all we could do and she hasn't responded to any of it."

"So what do we do? Break this news to the family or wait it out?"

"Well you know she's related to another patient here."


"Is that so?"He questioned with a hint of surprise in his voice," Who might that be?"

"That pretty little girl with the heart deformity, um I think her name is 'K' something uh Kaloni, Khennley, Kelly-,"

"Kali, Kaliana Anderson."

"Yes her,"The nurse confirmed,"You know she isn't doing so well either and Dr. Reese is one of the best surgeons in the building, so you know if he can't get her to pull through there isn't much anyone else here can do."

God don't do this to me, please don't do this to me!

The more they carried on with their conversation, the more my heart sunk to the pits of my stomach. I didn't care if I made it to be frank, but my Kali — my Kali! She has always been the reason I did this, the reason I fought when I could hardly get a limb to move. The reason I cried when I thought I wasn't good enough to support her. The reason I slept just to wake up the next day to see her smiling face. Kaliana, my princess, that I took and cared for, the girl who was thrown away and needed me to show her-her beauty; my little sister, my light, my life. Had it not been for her I would not know the definition of fight — or love — because she was the reason I learned to. She was the only reason I had to fight. The little girl that changed lives with just a few words of guidance is now laying on a hard bed fighting for her heart to beat again. My sister. My life. The reason I fight.

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