If you think that I'm okay. I'm not. You don't know how hard my life is, what it's like to be treated like crap. No one has ever cared or loved me. I'm just better off dead, but he keeps stopping me from doing it. If your asking who he is. He is my best friend. He moved to another state last year and life has been more difficult. Right now my father is beating me for no reason and I'm telling him to stop but he doesn't.
When my father stopped beating me I went into my room and cried myself to sleep. That's basically everyday of my life.
When I woke up I got ready for school at 5:30 a.m. because I walk to school and school starts at 7:30 a.m. I got to my first class seeing the jock of the school, Avi Kaplan, looking at me. Not menacingly though.'Weird' I told myself. Normally everyone looks at me with disgust. Once he noticed I was look back at him, he looked away. It probably meant nothing though. It's just another day being bullied.

Do You Love?
Fanfiction"Do you love?" "Depends, I do when I want to." "You can't just do that." "But I can."