I didn't know what to do. So I ran.
Away from him, not that I don't like him. I'm just scared.
I ran away to my house. I realized how bad of an idea that was, considering that my father was... Well he was a complete asshole. So I ran the other way, bumping into someone. I apologized to them, just wanting to be away from this hell that I'm inside. Before I started running I heard, "Scott?" The voice belong to someone I knew, who was it though.... Father, no. Kevin, no. Lindsey, no. Mark, no. Mitch, no- wait yes! It was Mitch!
I turned around to see Mitch looking at me worryingly. I hugged him and said, "Nice to see you again." I could smell the smile he had on his face. "Why are you running?" Mitch asked. "Because... um... Well." "Please tell me Scott, I want to help you." I contemplated wether or not to tell him about the situation I'm in. Well, he wants to help me. And I trust him.
I told him everything. He hugged me and I hugged him back. He said I can stay at his house if I wanted to. "I'll take that offer if I need it, okay Mitch." I told him. Mitch nodded and said goodbye. I waved goodbye to him when I noticed Avi wandering around, looking like he was searching for something. I stared at him for a second, but one second to long. He looked at me too. We made eye contact and I blushed. Good thing he didn't see it. I though to myself.
Avi started to walk towards me, then started to run. I started to feel panicked, so I ran too. I ran as fast as I could, but Avi was faster than me, by a lot. So he caught up pretty fast.
He grabbed my arm and I couldn't go anywhere. When he touched my I got, um.... a little, excited you could say. I felt like electricity was flowing through me at intense speed. I started to blush again. God dammit, he could see me now. Fuck.
"Scott, why did you run away from me," Avi said, saying it like he cared. Like he cared, no one could love me. I'm just a nobody.

Do You Love?
Fanfiction"Do you love?" "Depends, I do when I want to." "You can't just do that." "But I can."