So, I just want to update so I can get those reads bitch (not really though, this is important to me). So something that I have been wondering for a long period of time now is my own sexuality. I was super confused about it and I have finally came to terms with myself. I think I am gay. I recently found out because I had a crush someone who's a guy. I also had a crush before that, who was a guy. And probably later in life, I will have a crush, on a mother fucking guy if I haven't said it enough already. So that's my announcement. I don't know if I have the willpower to upload this chapter right now. But why will you read this book if it's about to guys who are gay and will be do the PDA. And if you want to hate on me, so be it. I'll say go fuck yourself :). I hope you guys still continue to read this and support me. You guys, the readers, are the first people I have told this to. Right now as I right this, I feel so nervous. And I believe that when I post this, a huge weight will be lifted off my chest. So thank you guys so much, love you❤.
Love is love.👬

Do You Love?
Fanfiction"Do you love?" "Depends, I do when I want to." "You can't just do that." "But I can."