Chapter 5

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And then, there is Raphael, my best friend. He's my neighbor since I have memory. A few years ago he came out gay, but I knew all along. He was very lost and confused. I am glad he finally found his way. I love him, I see him as the brother I never had. Even though he is dirty blonde and has very dark blue eyes, I see him as my family. We were so close to each other so we hung out frequently. I decided to invite him over to tell him the good news.

"Hey, Lu!" He excitedly said as he blasted in the room. He had no chill whatsoever.

"Hey, Raph." I greeted as I sat indian style on my bed, holding a cushion close to my chest.

"Oh no." His brows raised but his smile remained. He quickly walked towards my bed and made himself comfortable.

"Tell me, what's going on?" He said. I wasn't sure if it was a command or a question, either way, I was going to tell him.

"I am pregnant." I exhaled, smiling sadly. Not sure what I was really feeling about all this. His face gradually lit up with a smile. His eyes widened, and suddenly, he opened his arms and wrapped them very tightly around me.

"Lucia!" He said happily. I kindly returned the tidy hug by placing my hands on his upper back. "I am so happy for you!" He exclaimed once more before releasing the hug and grabbing my shoulders. "Who's the father?" He asked making a funny face and an erotic move.

"Remember my hot Physics teacher I told you about?" I explain biting my lip.

"No way! Joshua!?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed with a smile, squinting my eyes.

"Oh my god, Lu." He exhaled with a smile. "Is this really what you want?" He asked concernedly.

"I really don't know, Raphael." I began, staring at my feet on the bed. "But, I surely want it now." I announced.

"That's so brave." He praised.

"I can't wait for him to meet uncle Raph." I smiled. He seemed to blush, but then he laughed whole-heartedly.

"Wait... him?" He asked in regards of my gender statement.

"Oh, um. I don't really know" I made a pause, due to shy laughter. "I just assumed. I-I've always wanted a boy." I finished.

"Girls are also cute. But, anyway. Tell me more about Joshua, when did it happen?" He asked with extreme interest.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. He has the finest body I've ever seen. His glistening muscles, dripped in sweat." I finished with a squeel. His body was a perfection. Very artsy.

"Oh my! You sure had one hell of an experience." He teased.

"You bet." I winked, followed by a never-ending laughter.

It was that day. I missed 1 week of school because I was sick. I didn't mind missing school, but it mattered when the next monday we had a mid-term exam with new content I hadn't seen.

That friday, as the school day came to an end, I decided on visiting his classroom.

"Hey, teacher." I greeted once I released the knob on the closed door. I had grown close to him, and he used to tutor me when I was a little younger.

"Hello, Lucia. What brings you here?" He said.

"Um... I was wondering if you could help me with something." I explained, inter whining my hands on the side of my hip. He smirked, laid back and crossed his arms over his chest.

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