Chapter One; The Letter and Diagon Alley

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Chapter One; The Letter and Diagon Alley

"Dear Ms. J. Potter,"

Read a red-haired girl after she had torn open the envelope the letter had come in. On the ground beside her bed was a ripped envelope that read her name again and her address. On the windowsill sat perched a brown owl, who seemed accomplished on managing to bring the letter to her. The girl read and reread the letter before rushing down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Mum! Mum! Look what just arrived!" she shouted gleefully, waving around the letter towards the woman's face.

With a laugh and a lovely smile, the woman said, "Slow down so I can read it,"

Still bounding on the balls of her feet, the redhead stopped waving the letter around. The woman before her had stopped chopping the lettuce on the cutting board and took the letter in her hands, reading the same words the eleven-year-old girl had read a thousand times earlier. A broad grin danced along the small ginger's face as she watched the shock dance over her mother's. As the woman read, unbeknownst two both of them, the ginger's roots were slowly turning a bumblebee yellow.

"You're one too?" she asked, she had yet noticed the new colour.

"According to the letter!" the redhead responded, still bouncing on her feet.

"Honey, can you come here for a moment?" the woman called.

Out of the other room came a, "One second!" and a moment later out came a man with medium brown hair, and kind brown eyes. After giving his wife a quick kiss on the cheek and her handing him the letter, he was just as shocked as his wife.

"Oh my, how did we manage..." he asked surprised, with a lopsided smile. Making the ginger laughed as her father turned to her. "June, we are going to have to tell Hermoine."

At the thought of telling her sister, a wider smile passed over her lips. June's adoptive mother handed her back the letter, but before June could take it, the woman gasped. When June's hair would change in the past they would assume that she had dyed it since it had never happened in front of them, and June would just think she had forgotten about it. But now, she was starting at a bumblebee yellow-haired girl where a red-haired one had just been.

Her husband gaped at his adoptive daughter, shocked and confused about how her hair had changed as quickly as it did. June gazed at them confused, just as her hair fell slightly into her face. A gasp of shock escaped her as she stumbled back, just as confused as the others had been. After a few minutes had passed, the three still confused, decided that it had to be magic-related. Choosing to ask Hermoine to research it at school while they were writing her a letter back.

After about an hour of being in her room reading, since it was the weekend, and after the Hogwarts letter owl had left, there was a tap at her bedroom window, again. Peering over her book at the window, she saw a barn owl with a letter tied to its leg. June assumed that this owl was Hermoine sending her birthday wishes.

On her feet, within a moment she had rushed over to the window to open it and read what Hermoine had sent. Bringing it inside, she quickly untied the letter and read it. In the letter, Hermoine had wished her a 'Happy Birthday' along with telling her about how the school has been. She talked about how her friends, Harry and Ron, couldn't stay out of trouble and about her classes.

After reading the letter, she had noticed another one attached to the owl's leg, the other one was addressed to their parents, Wendell and Monica Granger. Returning downstairs, she gave their parents Hermoine's letter then took her seat at the dinner table to start writing her letter to tell Hermoine that she had gotten a letter from Hogwarts just as she had, and that next semester she would be joining her and her friends there. She also remembered to ask Hermoine to research about magical people being able to change there looks at will or accidentally without the use of a wand. Once June had finished her letter to Hermoine, Wendell and Monica added theirs.

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