Chapter 2| Tweek

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"But some people without brains do talk an aw-"

My phone cuts me off from completing one of my many lines. I sigh, place my script down on my bedside table and reach for said phone. Currently, it's charging. I gently take the charger out, having a past of many broken chargers has made me treat this one with intense care.

As soon as my eyes land upon the notification displayed on my screen, I almost drop the phone. I clutch it with wide eyes, type in my password and instantly read the rest of the message.

It's happened again, you know what to bring.

With my fingers moving at top speed, I message him back.

I'm on my way

Instantly, my brain goes into panic mode.

Questions upon questions swim around in my mind as I grab my bag full of needed supplies and slip on my trainers. I exit my room, trying not to think too much about the state Craig could be in.

"Mum, I'm going to Craig's!" I announce, not waiting for her to respond.

She doesn't mind anyway, she loves the fact that I'm so frequently over at Craig's house. She never questions me brining a bag, she just thinks I sleep over. But, of course she doesn't mind.

She doesn't know what Thomas Tucker is really like. She doesn't know what Laura Tucker thinks of her family. She doesn't know the truth, and I hope she never does.

I pick up my pace drastically, speeding off towards Craig's house as fast as I possibly can. I'm not a fast runner, and I'll never fully run the mile in Gym, but for Craig, I have to be as fast as I can.

While I run, the questions keep swimming. All the possible outcomes of Craig's text hit me, and it takes everything I have to ignore them. My heart is racing and I'm shaking. From the cold, and for the danger my boyfriend may be in.

Soon enough, I end up outside the Tucker household. I go around the back, memorising exactly where Craig's window is located. Breathing heavily from the run, I face the tree needed to be climbed. It towers over me, as if trying to intimidate me.

Usually, it's an easy climb. I've never really had any trouble getting up the tree, especially since it used to be a tree house. That was back when Laura loved her husband, because she didn't know he was a cheating, homophobic, abusive bastard.

Unfortunately for me, it had been snowing today. The step for the ladder were covered in snow, and I knew they would be very slippy. Hoisting the bag onto my back, I make my way up the homemade ladder.

Still out of breath, I grip onto the cold wood. My hands slowly become numb at having to continually sweep snow away to make my way up, and I almost fall twice. But, I make it up into the tree and tap on Craig's window.

I watch as the room bursts into light as Craig's switches it on. He opens the window, and I don't fully see the state he is in until he helps me in through the window. He holds my wrist with his left hand, grabbing onto my waist with the other as he helps me into the room. As soon as I'm on safe ground, and wrap my arms around him.

Craig shivers.

"You're fucking freezing." He mumbles, placing his warm hands against my chest in an attempt to warm me. I let go of him, and take a deep breath, bracing myself.

I focus on Craig. My heart aches as I take in his new wounds. The cut on his lip has opened again, and blood runs down his chin and has splattered into his hoodie. There's no look of a new black eye, but there's a deep cut in his cheek. A small shard of dark red glass is stuck in the gash, and it gleams in the light. Blood runs down his cheek in a thin trail from the new injury.

"Can I point out that the busted lip isn't because of him?" He says. When he speaks, I see that his bottom teeth are slightly red from said blood. I immediately begin to search through my bag for tweezers.

Believe it or not, it's not the first time I've had to remove glass or pot from Craig's skin.

"How did that happen then?" I ask, facing him and removing his signature blue hat. His eyes close as my fingertips brush his cheek, and I remove the hat, dropping it onto the floor. Upon the removal of the hat I see tiny chips of glass shimmering in his dark hair. The glittering glass contrasting to his dark hair reminds me of stars in the night sky.

"I smiled when I saw you at the window." Craig whispers, and I cup his cheek. I smile at Craig, hoping my smile doesn't translate into pity.

"Let me fix you." I say quietly, and Craig leans into my touch as I slowly move the tweezers towards the shard of glass.

"This is really going to hurt, isn't it?" He asks, eyes shut tightly. I take a shaky breath, guilt wracking through me at the thought of hurting Craig.

"I'm sorry, but it needs to come out." Being as careful as I possibly can, I try to catch the glass shard between the tweezers.

I don't get it first try, as the piece in so small, and catch the gash. Craig sucks in a breath, and grips onto my shirt, holding it tightly. I move closer to him, caressing his cheek with my thumb as an apology.

I try again, and manage to be successful. With a steady grip on the tweezers, I manage to get the piece out. With nothing constructing a faster blood flow, it gushes out. I curse, and I feel some of Craig's blood drip onto my shirt sleeve. It quickly stains the green material red, and it sticks against my skin. Wet, uncomfortable and warm.

I grab a cloth, and hold it against Craig's cheek. The white cloth quickly absorbs the blood, the same way my shirt sleeve had. Red leaks onto the fabric, and it's uncomfortable to touch. I don't remove it from Craig's cheek however, not until I'm sure all the blood has stopped. When I see him try not to flinch, and it kills me.

"You don't have to act tough around me you know." I tell him, removing my hand from his cheek. He opens his own eyes, they shine in the light. It's very obvious he has been pushing back tears.

"I don't like seeing the pity in your eyes, the guilt."He mumbles, looking down at his feet.


"I know it sounds stupid, but it hurts me when there is guilt in your eyes." Craig looks up, and grabs my hand not stopping the blood flow. "You should not feel guilty. You help me, make me happy."

My cheeks warm up, and I feel stupid for blushing at this exact moment. "You make me happy too." I say, giving Craig a bright smile. Then, I remove the cloth.

Thankfully, the blood has stopped. I sink down onto Craig's bed, without realising are hands are connected.

With me sinking down, Craig stumbles down after me, landing onto of me and pinning me to his bed. The glass chips on his hair scatter onto the bed and I feel some fall into my own hair. I giggle at the blush quickly growing on Craig's cheeks, ignoring the one on my own.

I reach my hand up and cup his cheek. Not caring about anything but Craig, I lean up and connect my lips with his. I ignore the strong, metallic tang of blood, the glass chips falling from his hair onto me and the uncomfortable way our connected hands twist.

It's only Craig and I, and it's just the way I like it.


I apologise for the wait between the chapters, but I've started school again.


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