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Let's start with the basics. Sexuality is a person's sexual orientation or preference. If you like girls that great , if you like boys that's great. If you like both that's great,if you like all genders that's great. If you like none that's great. IT'S ALL GREAT! YOU WERE MADE THAT WAY AND IT'S SO FANTASTIC! YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL BEING DIFFERENT FROM THE REST, BUT IF YOU ARE THE SAME AS OTHERS YOU'RE STILL BEAUTIFUL!

Now let's get serious .  People could get mad at you just because your sexuality. They'll tell you it's just a phase. They'll be disgusted by you. They'll mock you. They'll bully you... They'll kill you... DON'T LISTEN TO THEM YOU ARE NOT BROKEN! YOU ARE NOT CONFUSED!(And even if you are they should support you the whole time ,until you find yourself)  YOU ARE FANTASTIC JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! You are so beautiful being different from the world and I know you're going to be great.

And now for the definition of a bunch of sexualies.

Heterosexual: The attraction to the opposite sex. (NOT PERFECT)

Homosexual: The attraction to the same sex. (NOT GOING TO HELL)

Bisexual: The attraction to boys and girls. (NOT GREEDY OR CONFUSED)

Pansexual: The attraction to boys, girls, gender fluid and gender neutral. Also associated with being " gender blind". ( DO NOT FUCK PANS)

Polysexual: The attraction to more than two but not necessarily all genders. ( ARE NOT ATTENTION SEEKERS)

Demisexual: The attraction to someone only after forming a strong bond. ( ARE NOT PICKY)

Greysexual: The attraction to rarely anyone. (ARE NOT LONELY)

Acesexual: Not sexual attracted to anyone. (ARE NOT BROKEN)

Once again you are all beautiful and don't let anyone else say otherwise... I know it's hard to stay positive especially when everything is falling apart...  YOU ARE STRONG I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!

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