This Can't Happen!

17 1 0

----2 weeks after entering the sweepstakes----

"Today on Good Mythical Morning we discuss some things!"

"Let's talk about that" Link says dryly

Rhett notices links tone and jumps in quickly "Guys, we have good and bad news. It seems that the sweepstakes winners will not be able to attend, due to an unexpected event" Rhett clears his throat and sniffles. "We have put the date back, and will choose another winner next week, so it isn't all bad news!"

Link looks over at Jen and whispers something, almost inaudible, "tell me this isn't happening, someone died and Rhett says it is good news."

Link gets up and walks to the bathroom to calm down.

"This can't happen. We can't have this meetup. We just can't, it isn't right."

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